Saturday, 22 August 2015

Synchronicity, unpleasant one. Positive or negative?

I don't know if this is even relevant. It is a nasty event and could be a full on neg. synchronicity to increase the level of fear. Or it could, very much just as likely, or even more likely, be a random negative event.

Although before when I came on here saying both A) That lightning had hit the One World Trade Centre, the bubble clearly has burst from it's 183 high a few days later and B) My astrology from the other day seems to have aligned pretty much quite well. I casually mentioned 21st August more than once.

However, just a few miles from me there has been a disturbingly nasty plane crash. A jet was flying in mid air and hurtled down to the ground, exploding, killing seven people and trapping a few more in vehicles (video on tForce_Lightning Twitter).

Then I went on zero hedge. This seems to have the 'magick' of synchronicities to it, here was the headline:

Is It Time To Get Into Crash Positions Or Will The Market Just Enter A Glide Rather Than A Tailspin:

That wording was completely random. The guy lives in America and likely has no idea that a 'Shoreham Airshow' even exists.

Also, another little personal tidbit... I went to finish buying a self defensive weapon today, and the lighter where the flame doesn't get extinguished by the aerosol is called a 'jet fuel' lighter. Or Blue flame. This was when I was told about the Shoreham crash.

Even though there could be some case made that it was after all a violent, defensive desire that drew me to this information. It does not seem to me that the negative forces would go through this trouble, and then it would all come together so neatly like this. The negs work on a more grounded level than this. All this for Loosh???

The Jet killed Seven people reported so far. It's been seven years since the last crash.

Potentially, it happened from the pilot trying to do a 'trick' in the sky, perhaps that is metaphorical for traders trying to do a 'trick' to the FED, (to stop them raising rates and get them to QE), but it getting out of hand. The plane landed on a wedding limousine, the death of neo liberalism, of the feeling of everything being romantic and 'cultured' but actually being enslaved.

So... It's coming...

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