Wednesday, 9 August 2017

New Blog:

My New Blog is

Disconnecting from big G.

Well, I have a lot to say.

But unfortunately not here, Google's persecuting of non liberal voices is too much for me. (I will sort out another blog and post that later today.)

I was just thinking about the difficulty of changing services to non google ones...

Firstly, I was looking at other blogs. Some of them have that annoying squared format which I do not really want, I like this format. Wordpress has some good things plus activism on net neutrality. But Wordpress's free blogging service has adverts... Will these be pop ups? Clearly that is a deal breaker. Hopefully the adverts will be fairly out of the way.

Secondly, email: Gmail has this wonderful service in that it separates social, promotions and your main inbox so you can ignore the other two. Gmail is also almost every sign in I have and is on my phone as well. It is unlikely I will completely disconnect from Gmail, it is more likely I will only use it scarcely and will have another email account if I can find a good one.

The other thing is search engines. Previously I used duck duck go and could not find news on a recent child trafficking set of arrests on it, I had to go to Google for that. Again, is the service that opposes Google any good?

Practically any of these services I might have to go back to Google for!

... and finally browser. My new computer did not come with Chrome and I have been happily not using it although Chrome is admittedly better on a lot of things.

So that's that. I have more to say, quite a bit more, but not on Google.

I'll see you later!

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Effects of the lunar eclipse/ Coding liberals.

I have gone to some lengths to be able to write this blog today, and when I am actually sitting down here I do not have a great deal to say!

However, let's have a go. Firstly, the lunar eclipse finished yesterday and there have been four events in four days for me personally:

A) A work do because someone has left.
B) A powerful dream related to my current progress
C) Meeting with a family member that was deeper than normal
D) Meeting with a close friend.

Two of these reflected an eclipse related movement, the other two did not, in that there was the metaphysical potential there but it did not happen.

a) My work do someone left which fits a closing cycle, and it became clear I have been noticed by some people I previously had considered probably did not notice me.
b) The dream was powerful but I could not follow it up. So it ended with instead of me being able to act on it only reflecting and feeling very bad about the reasons I could not follow up on this dream. I.e. worldly darkness. If I had have been able to and it had been successful my whole life would have changed and a lot would have been left behind in my understanding.
c) Meeting with a family member has lead to understanding on my father, which potentially ends an unspoken wall between us.
d) The close friend expressed that he did not want to talk about politics in even the milder disconnected sense of the word, plus has other personal tendencies of shutting things down. Although someone may think that this does reflect the end of a cycle in fact, shutting down communication and philosophical thought like this will only serve to make troublesome emotional trends longer.

I obviously need to set up a set of rules to relate online. I have found three types of leftist where the conversation ends predictably. (In fact I do not think I have met one outside this pattern):
Code 1: People that try and assert an emotional reality over a factual one and are emotionally wounded when they lose.
Code 2: People that will refuse to give a source because they have been actively lying and will simply ignore you and insist you are a troll to anyone who tries to interact with you.
Code 3: People that simply can’t accept new information and will offer a point, you respond to it, then they offer it again like a broken record
I remember three recent good examples of these sorts of behaviour. There are also other problems with online communication. If you talk on a public message board about people who you are having arguments with with whom the situation does actually blow over, or if you mention other usually hidden things in life, then the very permanent words on a chat board could potentially serve to harm the person stating them!

What is also interesting about these three codes is that they require opposing responses. Code 3 types of individuals are often hard- ish people. Angry indviduals who will argue your every small point. Code 1 type of individuals are opposite to that. Rather than dogged arguing while not being sidetracked by their personal attacks they actually respond to the doggedness with the pathetic victim card.

With Code 1's perhaps it is easier to say reasonably nice things to allow them to save face, with Code 3's any sense of kindness will be met with aggression or the claim that their points are correct.

It is worth digging out these arguments I think to represent them by real conversations, because liberals will, because they emotionally prefer it, try and state that they do not exist. The other thing a liberal might do is to state, without evidence that right wing people are just as bad. I cannot see how that can be defended against but at least having the nasty or pathetic liberal conversations to hand to show they really exist makes a movement towards a proof of sorts. Also, it is not a relevant point if I say that I am not arguing with the right anyway, but to them it still is.

Another thing they do is tell you you are arrogant because the things you are saying 'cannot be questioned'. But if one person has done hundreds of hours of research and online communication and another has done none then that is the result you would expect. The online dictionary definition of arrogance is making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud. Accusations of arrogance have to, if they are correct (but when has a liberal ever cared about that?) be met with proof that the superior knowledge is a pretension or inaccurate claim. Not simply the natural result of a knowledge difference in a specific area.

An astrological book by one of the best authors there is (in my opinion of course); Liz Greene, explained how when a man was going to die one year and a bit more beforehand his children were letting go of him and his impact on their lives. With any large societal change I imagine that same trends would be apparent. Is it that those who resist the trend, those who are not emotionally easy going enough to explore emotions and as a result let certain things go... That will have a problem with this shift?

I want to state clearly though that personally, I do not find that any of these problems are there in offline communication. Dealing with the emotions and reality of real people is not quite the same! Code 1 and code 3 are not so separated in real people.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Female vanity.

My we are living in strange times. I had so many high minded and philosophical thoughts late last night, all ready for quite a powerful blog. However, then I weighed my food, recorded my insulin level and woke up in the morning with very high bloodsugars (diabetic).

Thus, the anxiety broke my concentration.

That blog, that owes a great deal to the effect of todays eclipse, will probably be written at a later date. The information and emotions are still inside me but I cannot access them.

However I still have something to say.

Yesterday I showed Lauren Southern to a family friend and the effect was very good. Her main video is a message to young women, a video I would not normally watch. However, it contained an interesting fact in it... Women that have had more than ten sexual partners on their wedding day are NINETEEN times more likely to divorce than women who are virgins while for men, there is no statistical difference.

I think I can explain that, and very easily.

My experience of women that have slept around a lot is that they are simply not as nice as women that have not... Because they are vain (But only in relation to potential romantic relationships not otherwise). If you consider what sex actually indicates for a woman, they experience first hand that despite whatever doubts they may have about their attractiveness, (and even models have those) that there is no reason for them to doubt. That the men who are poking them very much desire them and the men are completely under the womans control.

This leads to a vanity on the womans behalf. This is the effect I get from such women. They simply expect you to bend your knee and worship them or fulfil some requirement that they have cooked up in their minds. They give absolutely nothing but they seem to be of the opinion from their implying that they have, or will, give something that they have given a great deal.

This sort of things must chip away at relationships. While women who do not have that history look directly at you and talk to you like a human being!... Radical!

Of course this expectation by such women will be fulfilled by the type of guy that wants to screw her and not much more! They have had the practice at that. While the guy who is not willing to sacrifice his self respect to grab her bits, possibly those that are more intelligent, and more likely to settle into a stable relationship, will not be bothered with this game.

An interesting sociological tidbit but not really ultimately meaningful in that it does not actually effect anything in the real world. Until some sort of karma is visited upon these women to derail that vanity, possibly in the form of them lying to themselves more and having that challenged by societal change. Nothing in this area will move forward.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Earthquake's and eclipses/ Other tidbits.

Hmmm. Yesterday I had not realised that the emotions I talked about in the first part of my blog would be broadcast over facebook!

I will be very careful about my first few words in the future.

Look at this:

Amazon: Great American Eclipse: Earth Quakes and Tsunami

If the pattern of seismic activity seen in the Great Eclipses of 1999 and 2009 is repeated in the Great American Eclipse of 2017, then either one or a series of potential major quakes of magnitude 6 to a megathrust of magnitude 9 could happen a week to three months after the eclipse. A second wave of seismic episodes of the same potential magnitude could follow 8 to 18 months after the eclipse. Less frequent but no less damaging episodes of quakes and tsunamis could take place as late as 2 to 5 years after the moon’s shadow on 21 August 2017 had touched future epicenters inside these four seismically sensitive zones.
No earth quakes in England in 1999 but still, I'm sure Mr Hogue's data withstands scrutiny!

Zerohedge has followed this up with an article of a quake that looks like it's soon to erupt!:

Zerohedge: 1400-Quake Swarm Prompts Question "If Yellowstone Erupted, What Would Be Left?"

There's something about that 1400 number!

Daily Express is reporting that Britain will pay "no more than £36 Billion"... Weird times. Speechless.

Stillness in the Storm is reporting a 1000 person sex trafficking bust that includes law enforcement and clergy.

So that's the general run down. Am not able to keep up with my reading of those articles until later though!

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Political change/ misrepresentation of women in society.

I feel personally, that the world, and my reality are cold, dark and not capable of improving!

Very dark feelings.

But then there's not much I can do about that is there? There is not much any of us can do about that. I do want to mention one thing though, the bad dream and feeling I complained about last blog/ earlier today could have been a 'download' so to speak. I feel as though there's too much information in my mind to hold and that will likely slowly unravel unravelled.

There have been, like I said earlier, important political developments. I mentioned yesterday about getting a 'gift from the creator' and these few things really do seem very much like they do effect the global game, and some that are just interesting anyway:

YouTube: Mandela Effect, Merging Timelines & Ancient Aliens from the Future - Corey Goode 

I couldn't watch much past the Law of Attraction stuff about 45 min through the video. However, Corey almost never has updates since I've subscribed to him. He might have kicked it into gear along with some others that I'll get to, because of the coming eclipse. In this video he discusses how due to the Mandela effect we may have previously had things like nuclear strikes in America but none of us remember it.

Super weird stuff. But I can navigate through it comfortably with a set of theories that don't put me in a very good stead!

Anyway moving on:

When I got home from my work event the other day, David Wilcocks facebook:
  1. I am putting together an update to explain what has gone on in the last few months and why I didn't write any articles or release any new videos during that time.
    In short, I needed to recover from 20 years of being in non-stop emergency mode... i.e. a workaholic -- and deal with a variety of things that were getting left behind.
    As a result I have been through a very significant healing process and have gotten my inspiration back.
    I would still prefer not to be a public figure at all, but I will get back on the horse ASAP with a new update!
David is going to update soon as well, and he always has another perspective on things.

And... Look, just LOOK at this:

Definitely in the stars that last one. Nigel and the Solar Eclipse!

However, here's what I want to talk about in this specific post, here is a point I want to make:

Here is a mainstream media article that summarises the sociological problem in how society views women... In my opinion of course:

I did do a little careful picking to get this article because the Daily Mail was, what I consider, fairly on the money here [link] and the Telegraph had the same message as Huffpost but said far more cleverly. Earlier on today when searching the subject the same kind of crappy article with the following reasons came up a few times, although I actually approved of the first part of the article that stated that women cheat as often as men but simply do not get caught as often:

From Why Women Cheat: 5 Reasons For Female Infidelity
  1. She feels underappreciated, neglected, or ignored.  
  2. She craves intimacy. 
  3. She is bored and/or lonely. 
  4. She never feels fully loved and appreciated. 
  5. She has an intimacy disorder. 
Except when you actually go through the posts of women who have cheated [link], the stories are not to do with those reasons.

Try this one for instance [link] or this [link]

OK, so the second one there is a bit 'storyfied' but it could be true. Here's another:

I'm guessing then since that last one was into porn, she does not fit anywhere into those five categories.

It seems to me that the reason a lot of women cheat is because... They want to, they are not particularly good people and don't have a commitment to ethics! Another one of those stories is where the woman got out of control drunk and her husband passed out so she slept with six guys on her wedding night. [link]

So why are these sorts of cases not represented in more mainstream articles? Because, if it is the case that it is somehow the mans fault that the relationship goes sour then men, if they can do everything "perfectly" are not getting a raw deal.

If on the other hand women are just cheating... Because they prefer to. Because the system of law is slanted in their favour so there are no consequences, then, well then what?

Well, if men are not getting anything out of society then there is no reason for them to commit to it! If society doesn't convince men to work and further convince them they are getting something back from it then it will not survive. If there are no consequences for women, but there ARE consequences for men for this sort of behaviour. Then do they want to pay tax to keep this system going?

I don't think they do.

Damp squib again.

I had the most dreadful dream this morning. It has really lead me to be quite withdrawn today.

However, there is quite a lot of good news:

But I can't cover any of that yeesh. I might go back to bed.

Did very much intend to write a blog but there you go!

Friday, 4 August 2017

No news, personal meandering.

Well, hmmm.... Today I don't actually have anything to say.

I'm going to a work do in a few hours (I have been thinking of that more than politics). Perhaps that has taken too much of my thinking. Or perhaps the news is just too slow!

On a personal level though I have found a solution to my previous problem (last few posts) that is almost good enough to appreciate having had the problem. A grounding stone I keep with me I now have to have when I sleep as well and in general, I am feeling a lot better. A little bit of sleep paralysis yesterday (only a few seconds of not being able to get out of a dream) and I felt secure the grounding stone would protect me... Thus my sleep is better.

I don't know how this work do is going to go but, my workplace is majority female, or more accurately, it is actually 50 - 50 but because the women talk and the men do not so much, plus previously the management was completely female, the workplace feels as thought it is majority female.

Personal stuff is going on recently that does not really fit into this blog though. Tomorrow, the moon is conjunct Pluto plus it is my birthday, and on my birthday I usually feel a small bump of a present 'from the creator' and something good luck happens. So perhaps there will be some interesting news tomorrow. Also, I will say again, the lunar (closing) eclipse is on Monday.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Analysing my astrology. Sesquisquares and paranoia.

So I have to retrace my steps a bit:

After the thing to do with mistaken sleep masturbation here [link], I got ungrounded. Normally the best way for me to deal with women is to allow my sex drive in relation to them to do part of the thinking. When the grounded energy leaves me I can get a bit paranoid and I will point out where in my chart this is, from my post also following that incident [link]:
Or I could receive a large donation from a girl I know, and then have that followed up with skimpy clothing.

Regardless of previous experience with women, and these are a bit bizarre, this is clearly unlikely. Which I stated at the time. But I just wanted to say that the pattern of women is to try and use their bodies to gain resources, not give resources.

Although other behaviour I summarised in this section was pretty weird and did not have a relation to money, possibly this was the result of youth.
There is no code for women as I studiously apply to other areas of my life..
This is true for me and can be seen in my chart. My Mars that conjuncts my Sun trines to a Uranus/ Moon in the ninth house. This leads me to a lot of theorising in relation to global trends, free market and the like, metaphysics, revolution and karma. Venus though is SESQUISQUARE Uranus/ Moon. This means that any attempt to being these two together will result in paranoia. Since the Uranus Moon is so strong a part of my life this is a very easy thing to do when ungrounded.

So not only is there no code for women, any attempt to create one will create extreme paranoia for me. Unsurprisingly Pick Up Artist related stuff has never created anything positive in my life and did actually create some extreme paranoia previously.

My Venus does actually link through Pluto that creates a different kind of theorising. But this isn't so much theorising and philosophy as much as it is experience! This is why a lot of the time when I say things some women are offended just by my experience. Someone speaking clearly about Venus - Pluto, and Pluto in the seventh, is likely to cause distress to feminists who believe, as society encourages them to believe, that women are all angelic and men are all demon- rapists.

I am a bit wound up and tired and unable to continue the blog for the moment. As I return to a grounded state and de- stress a bit I should be able to blog properly again. I actually have things to say but my thoughts are all over the place.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Small thing.

[Non publish on twitter and facebook] Another thing I have to mention but have put off for a few hours for obvious reasons.

As recorded on this blog I keep to certain practices I believe relate to metaphysical energies, one of these is not masturbating. I have managed to completely stop that activity and have a healthy root chakra etc.

However, tonight I slipped in that I ejaculated during my sleep! I was dreaming and sort of knew what I was doing and sort of didn't.

So I have the negative energy effect of this but not the intention of having done it! So I did not think I was being a hypocrite but apparently, I have been unable to relax until I post this.

The way I am going to handle this is to sleep with a grounding stone. I believe my self is trying to take flight from the grounded reality and that is why I am having this problem!

The normal stoppage I keep on porn slipped slightly as I remembered the girl in my last post. I imagined meeting a girl and wanted to see if I could get porn on my android... I can't! So I would not be able to explain such fantasies to a girl that I might like.

So stopping that as well!

Adding a paypal button/ Strange times.

(This blog has been highlighted as potentially being a bit paranoid in a later one the next day here:
Analysing my astrology. Sesquisquares and paranoia.)
When I was younger, I cannot remember the precise timing but probably roughly about 2004 - 2007, a fantastically beautiful girl harassed me for several years. One of the most physically attractive girls I have ever met in my life. The process was very weird however, it was a Venus- Pluto experience! I was introduced intensely, to a concept that women were sexual creatures; that my younger life had been missing due to my mother flirting with feminism! I genuinely believed women were asexual creatures before this point and I suppressed my sex drive accordingly (because if women do not want sex it is not useful to have a sex drive).

This programming and behaviour has lead to general coldness towards girls in my early life, perhaps until this experience.

In general this has become how things work out with me and women. There is a kind of power game for long periods of time where there is nothing, nothing, nothing in terms of positive attention from the girl. This is even on a friendship level. Then out of nowhere I get incredibly intense and direct sexuality, and have it taken incredibly personally if it is perceived to be rejected... All or nothing!. Then... bang... it's gone. The girl disappears from my life. Into the dust and ether doth she return!

Of note though is that my current workplace seems to have relatively sane girls. It is fairly female centric although two males in management roles is shifting it back more into the centre.

On top of this, my diabetes causes a lot of stress in my life and I simply have to allow paranoid thoughts to run themselves out in my mind. I am not a person who gets so wound up about things that I have to apply those understandings physically. I do not go and beat up someone I suspect of having talked behind my back for instance. Many times my mind entertains thoughts quite inaccurate, and as my bloodsugars work out and perhaps when I get some sleep (and experience real life) these straighten out.

It is against this background that I am going to muse on some things!

I am going to add a paypal donate button to my site. Or am I? Firstly, I do not as of yet expect even one person to donate. If I do receive donations will these change my mind? A few very unlikely hypotheticals here is that I could receive donation after donation from Muslims. Then I would be less likely to criticise Islam (or would I?). Or I could receive a large donation from a girl I know, and then have that followed up with skimpy clothing.

Unlikely... However, in my life female behaviour cannot be predicted. The codes that apply to others do not seem to apply to me. I get attention from absolutely drop dead gorgeous girls I do not consider them above me. I get screwed over sometimes and have in the past by less attractive girls than that, who seem, by appearance, to consider me beneath them! The many opinions on female behaviour have never applied to me. I have never seen them in girls/ women. There is no code for women as I studiously apply to other areas of my life. I can handle coldness from females because I am used to it. I do not find it so easy to handle sudden escalations in implied physicality.

Some youtubers, quite a few actually, avoid having a paypal. If they receive a large donation and a message to do a certain video some feel that is being used for someone elses agenda. So they stick with Patreaon. Which is now being rebelled against post Southern.

Oh the drama.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Snails pace news/ The coming change.

My blog yesterday got quite a lot of views, comparatively, and those people probably liked what they read as well because the blog entries below that had additional views to yesterday as well (best I can remember).

This is strange because it was a very personal blog, with a lot of my own personal feelings rather than what I would assume people are interested in... which would be politics.

Politics! Politics is getting boring. I am losing interest in the to's and fro's of dealing with the European Union. The thing that captures my attention is doing things that hurt progressives, doing sudden things and having them yell and whine and cry. Like when the Brexit vote happened! But the negotiations now are far away from causing any distress for the EU and remainers it seems to me. Immigration is continuing for the moment, and while it continues the remainers and EU believe they can keep it going. Either immigration stops now or it is not going to stop as far as I am concerned.

The government looks weak to me. If Nigel Farage was on the Brexit negotiation team I would be confident that something is going to happen and the whining butthurt from the so called adults in the European Union would be emotionally satisfying!

I had a lot of ideas yesterday about... Wondering if the Stefan Molyneux views of women and sexual market value etc. could also be applied to men! ... and that men when they are younger have an attractiveness that is best applied to finding a girl that is not a psychopath and wasting that time chasing a girl that is a psychopath, (no matter how attractive she might be) is their equivalent. Although the ideas were clear yesterday I have had my bloodsugars rise up over night (leading to stress that shifts my perspective!) ... I am going to have to literally count every strand of pasta before I cook it (or weigh it) and find the exact right insulin amount via blood testing! I am getting closer to success in that way, I now have a new bloodsugar machine and my last one was malfunctioning and temperamental! So it is going to be easier to take records.

The coming change:

I have been thinking of the amount of things that will likely change in any coming change:
  • Extra terrestials, both positive and negative will be introduced to the general populace.
  • Realities of underground civilisations will become known.
  • New technology will become known. Such as anti gravity, healing etc.
  • Slave colonies on Mars will become a thing.
  • Civilisations and agencies that live on the moon will become known.
  • People that were thought of as dead but were actually abducted to other planets will become known, and will return home.
  • Proper ways of thinking will become known. Such as maths and spirituality. This will have big further effects on peoples psyche!
  • Satanic paedophiles in our government will become known, and probably arrested, possibly executed.
  • Psychic abilities once learned about will become far more common and powerful. Psychic suppressants like fluoride will stop. Increased health will help these abilities. 
  • Health will improve
This is going to be quite a lot of change. Wars will stop, people will be able to get therapy (Later edit... What? I wrote that unconsciously... Therapy? Not like, good nutrition and medical treatment!) and will stop dying from poverty. 

Also, the amazing amount of destruction these patterns have caused will be a black hole that needs to be filled with something. Anti aging will become a thing. All the people who get to middle age and realise they have been too sexually restrictive will be able to de- age and do that again, if they want, or perhaps some of them might want to pursue a legitimate spirituality. The emotional impact of returning family members from black projects will be immense! The amount of people that are disabled and who can now pursue a relationship or career who previously could not or did not will be huge!

However, we are getting there at a snails pace. Uranus is the planet that is rebelling against the cabal (Saturn and Pluto) and it is soon to go retrograde. So the inner workings of Gaia, whatever they might be, and other alliance groups, may experience some friction.

Watching David Wilcocks Cosmic Disclosure the other day Pete Peterson was again talking about his friends  maths system that creates a lot of positive changes for society and the individual. There is no ETA on when this book is going to be released or anything close to a time... I find this rude! When talking to Gaia about this via email you end up talking to someone who has no idea themselves. Which is not helpful. I find Gaia to be arrogant!

We'll see if Uranus retrograde gives the alliance some inward looking realisation to actually push to change things, rather than coming up with these agreements with the cabal which seem like things will change but that nothing actually does!

Monday, 31 July 2017

The constantly terrifying news, evidence of slow movements of change.

So, according to Thomas Wictor, this is the event that Trump has been deliberately creating press to stop people noticing:

Arab News: Saudi crown prince meets with Iraq's Moqtada Al-Sadr

This is apparently big news in healing the Sunni - Shia divide.


Information at the moment is very dark. It only seems to be getting darker.

Especially when we are young I think we want things to come into our lives that are a result of an outpouring of love in some form even if we don't cognicize that specifically. For instance, a young person may want to become a healer, or a musician or something where we are taken on a magical path and things work out. Perhaps we change the world. Or the more classic dream of getting your ideal mate. Either gender dreams of attention, good sex, and status that comes from this.

However, sometimes it does work out but very often it doesn't. The reason it doesn't is that although the energy in most cases is there (I assume unless our ideas are very unrealistic), that in some place the love that we would have had has been stamped down upon! For instance, when I was young I dreamed of healing my diabetes and then starting an organisation to help others do the same, yet somewhere, wherever the cure actually is, it has been stamped down upon most likely be a corporation.

There is less and less of this energy. This 'love'. It can come in the form of money or relationships. It often relates to general 'security'. But it seems like, as I have said before there are less and less people that are given opportunities and aren't suffering some sort of difficulty!

This has lead to the fact in my personal life that when I sometimes relax, after all the painful weird stuff I have absorbed over probably years now, there is a kind of terror I feel inside myself. We are designed to relate easily and socially with those around us and to be with whoever we are meant to be with in both relationships and friendships... Our equals but often, because life plans are being thrown off at the moment, we are with different groups of people.

But the point is that this constant inflow of global news is not something I think is natural. It is an adaption to circumstance. Definitely all the scary information I absorb about Islam, immigration, Satanism, paedophilia etc. can weigh on a person and so sometimes when I go to sleep I feel that fear.

I also if I have not been beyond a certain good point I have nightmares and also, for some reason that may be related I get a kind of sleep paralysis.

This I think is the spirit not connecting properly with the body and it is massively helped by keeping with me a black stone a healer once gave me. It grounds me so that I can feel my root chakra cleaning out all the terrifying things in my mind! It also keeps a person in their body so could possibly oppose this sleep paralysis!

Thoughts on the future, politics and astrology!

I wonder if the coming lunar eclipse which I talk about as closing a pattern is to do with stopping commenting on the internet so frequently for me personally! A Full moon with the moon in Aquarius in the eleventh house would suggest this!

I have heard two good things from the British government recently .One is that they are going to stop some of the foreign aid and another is that immigration will stop after 2019! I wonder sometimes though whether part of the EU and remainers strategy is to go in with a "high number" in order that people accept a not so good number as a victory. For instance, really it is not any good that labour dumping has to continue anyway past even June 23rd 2016! Or failing that at least when article 50 was triggered. But now that the remainers made such a fuss about "five more years of free movement" people will accept this as a victory!

Really we're all obviously hoping mega things will change sooner! There is another article/ angle on North Korea recently and that is that South Korea is getting ready for regime change in it's neighbour! The trouble is, previously in the summer, Benjamin Fulford has mentioned that the cabal and alliance have called a truce over the summer to relax over the summer holidays! There were no terror attacks for the summer when he said that. I wonder if they are going to do the same thing again! It's probably a yearly ritual.

Nevertheless, things feel like they're moving, and we have the solar eclipse to look forward to. Not sure what that will bring!

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Liberals/ Accurate astrology/ North Korea.

Wow, well good news for me is my brain is working like it should. After alcohol has slowed it down briefly.

Reflecting on it, when I was in the midst of this, because I might find pleasure in drinking alcohol (I don't actually) I would then be prioritising that pleasure while the amount of people suffering because of political dysfunction is immense. I am not sure that this blog helps at that, in fact it is pretty certain it does not make a huge dent, however, I might make a miniscule but still significant dent when combined with also commenting on chat boards and general comment pages. Some peoples thoughts might be changed, some people will feel more supported, or less alone.

As a number if we were to count the amount of suffering happening. So tiredness might be 1-5 points, and equivalent points which I won't estimate for rape, murder, disappearance of a child, medical conditions, poverty etc. this figure would be huge and it will only get better when the 'deep state' goes to the slammer.

I have been wondering about karma as well. Surely karma is related to people, so if you shoot someone emotions caused in others of justice and revenge are your karma. If karma was going to someone who held back cures for my diabetes, it is unlikely that my specific discomfort would be represented. It would be likely that their collected karma may put them on death row anyway, and so it would not have the one - to - one eye - for - an - eye like impact.

Movement forward:

The populist right and "Alliance" behind it seems to be winning the culture war. Firstly we have this J.K.Rowling situation. Which is quite amazing really. I have always noted that on twitter there is no penalty for lying, if you want to say the sky is always green and stick by that essentially no one can actually make you say otherwise. There is no referee that is going to say that you are refusing to look into objective and picture evidence, therefore your argument is not correct and there is a consequence for that, such as losing some sort of status.

The liberal left are fast learning though, that the populist right is trying to visit a consequence upon them. A small example might be twitter losing out on so much revenue because it keeps arbitrarily banning conservatives, or Macy's having to close stores (I think it was Macy's) after stopping selling Trump clothing for ideological reasons.

J.K.Rowling has openly lied and not retracted that, she clearly thinks that she can behave as though a loser SJW out in cyberspace that has no consequences for telling those sorts of lies. But the world is really pressuring her. The left are arrogantly refusing to admit they are wrong when shows the evidence. It was always going to get to this place.

... and finally, much to his credit I think the main guy from the Young Turks called Cenk participated in a debate, I say much to his credit because at least he is debating. This suggests to me that he is not a real globalist but a misguided leftist. He recognises that free speech and debate is worth having. However, he was absolutely whopped apparently. He started calling the audience uneducated and came out with statements such as "increasing the top rate of tax to 91% will not decrease growth".

But if the Russia stuff is being closed by the Democrats, we are starting to see, in my view, how these eclipses might be being expressed. This was a long term emotional trend.

Two articles here:

Jessica here mentions three predictions: A coverup in relation to a health scandal and Charlie Gard certainly qualifies. A resurgence in news on Diana princess of Wales, Daily Mail yesterday:

... and one I was sure was because of her liberal leaning, the 2016 November US Presidential election.

We have now seen though that rather than letting this die Trump has turned the tables and claimed Russia helped Hillary with the election, so this has come up again!

Likely he is targeting the Russian deep state because Putin, the one that identified himself as Cabal by signing the climate change accords, has refused to help Trump with human trafficking!

North Korea is big as well, every day there is something (haven't had time to catch todays though, there was another one today):

Daily Express: Japan warns North Korea missile may have hit ships and planes

Daily Express: US and South Korea fire MISSILES near North Korea after Kim Jong-un's latest ICBM launch

Daily Express: NORTH KOREA WARNING: Kim Jong-un could hit NEW YORK with missile

Daily Express: BREAKING: 'They do NOTHING for us' Trump threatens China for inactivity over North Korea

Zerohedge: "Time Is Running Out" - China Is Planning For A Crisis Along North Korean Border

So as I summarised in relation to Ben Fulford here [link] this one appears to be happening!
Also, here's another prediction from Jessica, she thinks, and I doubt it but she's the one who's accurately predicting all these things, she thinks there will be movement on North Korea on August 3rd and 4th! Although this is perhaps saying something not quite so direct upon looking at it again!:

Bad habits!

Well, I think I have found out why I have shut down so much after Fridays socialising... Feeling a sense of ridiculous fear and unable to feel comfortable with the information that is usually so important.

Alcohol! I think it's time to give that up!

Previously I did give it up and then I went to a nice party with a bunch of people from my old workplace to see off a manager. I was sitting there not saying anything to anyone and trying to talk occasionally. I felt stressed and then my throat actually closed up... Like stopped working.

I drunk a glass of wine and my throat opened again! As though guided! I felt good and was sure this was the message here, that I should be drinking but only very little.

Looking back though it was not actually good because the rather boring social homogeneity was broken! Essentially I was all over the place and the arguments caused were probably why I did not go out with those people again... I did not necessarily want to BUT, it underlines how from that interaction I got nothing in the long term. The long terms is very important to me now.

Today though the message does not seem to be the same thing. I am still feeling crap two days after only one glass and I have lost valuable time!

So, it's time to cut that!

I am reminded of this fantastic trailer, because when I fall back from having it together I go into survival and in survival my intuition works with me through the medium of fantasy! I.e. the quest for/ interest in "magic powers" and something artistic about this is a motivator:

Scheduled blogging... Nothing!

Wow, damn, sitting down for my scheduled blogging and I have nothing to say!

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Good times, bullet pointed insights.

Over the past few days, Thursday morning before I went to work I slept one hour, then did nine hours work, including having timed my lantas wrong and having my bloodsugars shoot up into the stratosphere temporarily (which sucks up energy), then I had five hours sleep, woke up at 1am and did six hours work, then went out with friends, got home at 23:00, and went to bed just after 1am.

So I was quite tired towards the end of that!

So tired in fact, that I was almost having a mystical experience by the end of the night. Feeling my way through things in a kind of subconscious way about the reality of life. Also, I sometimes now have a crystal in my pocket to keep me grounded. Even though it is a crystal to supposedly keep me grounded, i.e. attention on real world things, which it does, it also creates a subtle comfort with psychic abilities and thinking!

This blog also really captures something about what I was thinking last night, my comment on it summarises some of it but really it cannot be put into words:

ElsaElsa: Life, Death & Real Connection

So, I am still tired, a small insight I've had about this is an incorrect assumption I have very often made. When I have slept badly or am tired for some reason I think to myself that when I get to sleep the problem will be over. But in actual fact, sleeping once doesn't end a period of tiredness, also, eating properly needs to happen and it is useful to sleep in order to relax and then rest a day in order to relax further. The fight/ flight impulse does not just disappear!

So I'm going to run down my thoughts in bullet point form rather than being able to put them into full sentences:
  • Previously having been worried about potential political conversations with people that have been fairly left previously. This is not a problem. A guy who lives on welfare unrepentantly is converting would be heart on sleevers to the hard right so efficiently I can only put my hat off to him (but will refrain from doing so to his face); and another who is de converting from liberal thinking and is a real power socially. Partly because of the BBC's attitude towards the acid attacks in London.
  • North Korea. Clearly big news here. I need to read articles on this.
  • Trump, Preibus, General Sessions and Kelly! GET IN THERE!
  • Doing a major re- write, perhaps even complete re- write of a counting system as I learn the basics of why a counting system is as it is. I have done it previously where every number is one symbol but I realise it cannot be like that. In order to have division, as in dividing and probably the other functions to (multiplying, addition etc.) a numerical system cannot have just one symbol!
  • Krysten Ritters astrology chart. Pluto in seventh!
More and more it seems like the alternative right youtube community is a real community. Videos are becoming less militant now, more chatty.

As well with that mystical experience from tiredness, I feel very sure that things are going to work out. I feel sure that the forces beyond our world are quite aware that justice needs to be served. That is not just an emotion that we feel.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Astrology/ World Change/ Pi.

New Laptop, the old one died on me!

Very twilight zone- e, the world I'm living right now. Strange sleep patterns and feelings pushed down in favour of larger political understandings definitely gives a kind of 'alienating' feel!


Recently a facebook internet friend gave me her chart! I am now learning more about astrology. Firstly, how important the ascendant is.

I remember on Elsa forum someone mentioning they had a Cancer ascendant and I was going through her posts, partly to surmise political opinion... Well there wasn't any with this woman, every single post was relationship this and feeling that. It was not irritating or oppressive, it was just she happened to think about more stereotypically feminine things!

Secondly, the contradictions one person can have in their chart. Also, that a lot of what I had previously thought about transits and the like seems to be correct... and the overall intuitive sense that someone will or will not be effected by something seems to be backed up by the chart and transits.

World change:

- California's deputy attourney general has been charged with child pornography.
- The previous highest arrest was Jacob Schwartz, who (allegedly) had pictures of children as young as six months old.

Creepy stuff. It feels like something is going to shift soon. In astrology I have heard it said that when things really seem like they are stuck it is when things are just about to change. Things very much seem like they are stuck at the moment. To me, it is not even worth following politics at the moment. My twitter has become very same-y. Trump is moving about, but Theresa May and the betrayers of Britain are certainly not!

A quick check of the news on North Korea and it becomes clear that what Benjamin Fulford has said about there potentially being a new war against North Korea is very likely.


I cannot figure out how to calculate pi on a three based system as a rational number. I wonder how anyone ever calculated pie to that many digits in the first place? It seems really quite bizarre.

What I am figuring out though is how loaded our current maths system is. When you are dividing into a number and going into decimals, why do we add a zero? Zero is not adding nothing as I was originally told. Zero is adding the ten system. If you want to create a twelve system you have to add two. If you want to create a nine system you have to get to nine somehow (and a nine system halved is 4 recurring! That is not useful!)

Exciting stuff. I am interested in extending the very basic 12 system into dividing and fractions. Perhaps the real use of such a system will become more apparent!

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Number system/ Pleasing Banter, laughs.

The slightly weird life I live. I am putting in energy into controlling my diabetes and likely, when I have done so and properly created a pattern that works for my bloodsugars I will sleep better and things will be a bit easier to me, and then it would be possible to raise my hours if I wanted.

However, another problem. My bloodsugar machine malfunctioned, and the next priority is getting a new one. So my bloodsugars went up and this is exhausting. It kind of steals from the inside of me!

Still on the number system.

I am still thinking of this new number system. I wrote to Gaia and they told me that they would not give me the name of the guy writing a book on it and that he was still working on it. That means that it likely will have only gone to print and come out by spring of next year, April or May time. By then we may have had our political change anyway!

Just for the laughs:

That one made me almost cry with laughter!

Also, I'm still thinking it would change the structure of everything .It will change technology. It will mean that people off 4 chan could create bots more powerful than anything we have now. It would likely work with the mind and make maths easier. But I cannot figure out how it makes pie a rational number because a new number system in itself does not change the actual numbers" Pie isn't a percentage!


I actually got that as I was speaking then genuinely!

I have so much work to do!

Pleasing banter:

This is only a small point and not one that meets the magnificentness of my just realised wisdom. But I have noticed how humour seems easier with guys than with girls.

For instance, I have been thinking two friends and I will not be able to make a recent arrangement, so to voice my fears I humorously took the worst parts of each of our natures and said this:
Seriously, I'm not sure between a drunk, a lazy person and a badly controlled diabetic if we will be able to get to x by y time, but it's nice to have goals!

The laughs.

However, a small point with a female in my vicinity has caused some upset and I probably won't be seeing the person for a while! An absolutely minor point so the ego stripping jokes I have with friends will probably not be enjoyed between me and that person.

I also knew a girl who was quite funny on twitter who just got plain weird when I called her 'cutie' one time!

But in seriousness there are a lot of other very positive things about women. That's just a tendency, one that is reflected in the politics of left and right?

Which one is it that doesn't have the humour?

The Great British Betrayal.

Nigel Farage wrote an article for the Telegraph today, although I have only read the two first paragraphs of the introduction (It costs £1 to get access to all Telegraph articles for 24 hours.) Those paragraphs plus his normal narrative says it all. We are being betrayed. Immigration is not going to stop. This is: The Great British Betrayal!

Not really a surprise. However, for me, I do actually palpably regret voting Tory. The warning signs were there including the Conservative MP for the area being a remainer that refused to publicly disclose which way she voted. But I couldn't stand the Labour MP so much that it pushed me that extra few yards.

But I regret doing that. Our area only had two rabid remainers and no UKIP candidate! Like Raheem Kassam and another person I respect but can't remember who that was. I think I should not have voted!

Corbyn is really not a globalist now. I do believe the Manchester terrorist attack at the time was because he was gaining momentum! I hope there is another election soon and we can have Corbyn as prime minister.

It looks like Poland is having trouble with the EU, the EU opposes changes to their law system and will stop them from being able to vote if they do not withdraw them... But I've lost hope that anything is going to change with that. Orban seems tough and he is in line with Trump but I have no faith that he will stand up to the EU. I've lost hope.

My counting system has come along a little. I'm a little off put by being so enthusiastic about it yesterday that I could not get on with semi important domestic concerns, such as giving attention to my diet!

Anyway, only one more small note. Bombard has done a body language breakdown of McCann's parents. It's good to note when a situation actually ISN'T a conspiracy theory, despite their being such theories around. Bombard holds them to be honest!

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Numberical system/ Corporate America/ War on North Korea!

Wow, a little tired because I thought I had everything right with my diabetes. But I do have to do yet more in sorting out my diet now. First medication... Now diet. Trying to get good long term carbohydrate every day after I ate chips and it messed with me.

But I have so much to say today!

Base 6 system:

The main thing that has taken my interest is that Pete Peterson says he has a friend who is soon to publish a book about how a base 3 or base 6 counting system is the natural counting system. This is absolutely amazing and is why a circle, time and many other things are naturally devided up in 6 systems.

I have been creating in my head this system, because I can't wait for the people at Gaia or Michael Salla to deem the little people worthy of the information and to talk about it. So under my system todays date (not including 2017 I haven't got there yet) would be adas-tras. One hundred and fourty four would be silo and one hundred and fourty five would be silo-eek-das. Or perhaps silo- das for short!

It really does transform the brain. Pete Peterson explained that a lot of things work well with this system including that pie is an integer, you don't need infinity and David Wilcock explained if you use it and you create a computer with this code rather than binary code (so 0,1,2) the technology is so sophisticated it is capable of independent thought.

I have been using it so far with my system, of course it is not yet very far advanced and it starts to divide your perspective up into threes. Which is a far more natural way. If you think about a phone we do it naturally anyway but a phone has that extra one digit that screws up numbers! Another thing is that there are three different elements of people, Wisdom, Power and Love. I do wonder if dividing people up in relation to threes will have a different effect!

Obviously it is in the zodiac as well!

Corporate America:

Another interesting thing I've noticed is after I found out that America has been a corporation since 1971 I did a chart for it... Annoyingly I don't have a time:

This one fits far more to me than America's normal one. The moon is at the end of Pisces in conjunction with Chiron right now and this is the Russia stuff in my view. Pluto is in Taurus and that can relate to money and greed! Uranus has just passed over Neptune and things were very mysterious in relation to the free market right around that time with not so much hope for America!

This is the one I will assume America is from now on!

War on North Korea:

Yesterday I saw an article on zerohedge about how China is getting its border ready for war in North Korea and I saw three war mongering articles on the Express today. As said in this article followed up from Bens blog [link]. That looks like a "go" to me!

Anyway, so that's it. Run down of how things are in the world of new age wonders and geo politics!

Sunday, 23 July 2017

The chilling effect bad people have on the world.

I used to get people reading all at once however, now I get about a third of my audience reads up on what I have to say a few hours after I post! :).

Really had to rush this morning my alarm didn't go off.

Also, I have quite a lot to say today, probably won't be able to fit it all in! That sounds like some very rude innuendo!

Dreams and creepy stuff:

Yesterday I dreamt that
I was going some place, then I wanted to go forward in the sea to an empty island. Someone stopped me and I stopped on a sofa while a sort of committee decided if I could proceed. 
The island filled with young naked boys. That I was not interested in but I did believe I had to continue forward to the island and possibly past it. I was asked if I masturbate, and I told them I did three times today, and I was deemed too sexual to go.
That I think was a metaphor that I am less dirty in real life than I perceive that I am, because in real life I do not masturbate.

I did the astrology for this dream, having been advised previously that you can do one for a dream. Which I think is pretty fantastic although it does give a tendency of getting overly lost in the metaphysics of it all. I recall even the Human design chart mentioned dreaming astrology!

But, what the dream seemed to be saying to me was that my ambition to move forward is, like probably a lot of peoples, blocked until the globalists are out of the way and the metaphorical island, and the bureaucrats are cleared!

I do also believe that this video is related to that dream. Because I liked Linkin Park a lot when I was young but I threw it aside after I sensed something demonic coming from the music, and I felt that listening to it was throwing me off my path! Analysing the lyrics confirmed this:

Hmm.... Dark stuff. It has put together a whole bunch of theories for me. For instance, I used to believe that people were pretty much on their 'path' so to speak when they are young, but it seems to me likely that I was off my path often when I was young and some of the reason for that stems from the very unpleasant effect of the fear and social chilling that paedophilia has had on England (older people talk about Western countries being a lot more pleasant and free decades before I was born).

Ben Fulford has already produced his blog today! Exciting times!

General thoughts on sexy girls and sex robots.

Life is good moments:

Comments like this just make me feel "life is good"! I don't know what it is about this specific comment on the Elsa blog [link]:

Krysta on 10th of September, 2007 at 3:30pm:
Thankyou for your story. Im feeling really sad because my short term boyfreind of only two 1/2 weeks broke up with me because Im to sexy for him. I have long blonde hair, D cup and im very physicaly fit. Im well toned. Im happy with my looks but I do get some negative reactions from people. He said he couldnt take men always looking at me everywere we went. But yet I cant find a good boyfreind. Im a scorpio and read astrolgy, Im fascinated by it.Your story made me feel that Im not doing anything wrong but sometimes I think it would be easier if I wasnt attractive.
My dad used to mention these sorts of girls and when I get attention from very attractive girls I often wonder if this is part of the reason (although there really doesn't have to be a reason!). That many guys are simply too afraid to approach very attractive girls and those girls end up going with very plain guys! (In his words!)

Although seriously my sister is going to be one of the girls that is incredibly attractive and a cut above the rest, also girls like Lauren Southern I want to find a partner that is equal to them... Because I want them to be happy for some reason. Me being fifth density I am not that guy, she needs a 6th density guy.


I have for a long time, a thought process started by a dream, wanted to write a story about a perfect future. I've actually always wanted to do this. For a while the idea was that I would write a story about how people would really interact in the moment, and I didn't want to address some aspects of chemisty. I.e. what sort of girl my closest friend would be dating (or myself), what my relationship with such a person would be, because she would have to be sexy, and with my sister the power she would have over others by her physicality.

However, I got an intuition of how to get around that. I am thinking of writing a story as though it is a letter. Perhaps where I have been taken into a mysterious project for people whose paths need to be set straight and someone is writing to me researching the project, therefore I am writing about how people, friends and family are doing without actually interacting with them, meaning I can be suitably vague in these descriptions!

The 'intuition' part of this is related to feelings about the future that I will not mention :)!

Wrong on Courtney:

Previously I wrote about Courtney Stotten and I quoted another blog here [link]:
We can make a case for her liking older men with the Sun opposing Saturn, but she needs to own her Saturn and get to know her Virgo Sun. All that showcasing of her body won’t give the Virgo what she really needs…. To be respected for her MIND. And, if her Moon is squared by Saturn natally, she may be trying to stave off depression by getting attention in a way that is actually quite undermining.
This I don't think is correct, watching the whole interview here:

Firstly I'm going to do body language analysis of this based off Bombards body language (I am very much a beginner, this might be completely wrong):

0:00 Portrayal and self advertisment... Notice her body language throughout the entire interview, the breasts are out but the legs are crossed and she has a hand blocking her reproductive organ, she is saying that she is not a "slut" and is not open to anyone in that regard.
0:11 stillness,
0:18 more stillness,
0:32 she is being very careful on how to phrase things. Eye movement suggests a lot of processing.
0:55 definitely lying. She does not like the show she is going on. Head moves but body doesn't. But hand movement suggests she is doing it to give to someone, not clear who that person is, not necessarily mother.
1:23 the lying period is over so she stretches her back. She really does desire healing which is what she says afterward in truthful phrase.
3:45 becomes very animated when talking about being a parent. Very positive thought for herself.

The rest of it is truthful, the body sings. Although she picks her words very very carefully when talking about her mother. Perhaps this drama with her mother is something she really does not want to have to deal with and is more interested in her future.

Courtney's chart:

So in relation to Courtney's chart. I would say that the bi quintile from Saturn to Venus means that she is likely to put herself out and any effort to avoid doing so will make her paranoid. I would say the bi quintile from Jupiter to the moon is what she is doing here with her mother, that is something she is meant to be doing this expression of her emotion (this could of course find a higher manifestation in music or another creative work, but it might not! She seems quite focused on having children and that would seem likely to stop that happening.) I wonder, if Mars in the seventh house would mean that she would push... For sex even? Which sounds counter intuitive for such a physically attractive woman.

She has this look in her face that earth signs have!

That porn film hasn't been made, the gorgeous woman putting in aggressive energy to have sex!

It is an interesting chart and she is interesting. People cannot learn from this if she had not been outgoing and honest!

To assume though she should change her behaviour and is not on her path is not an assumption I am going to make! Especially considering how young people usually stay on their path, people fall off it in my view when they get to their mid 20's because not enough support is given and the hardness of life starts to wear them down.

Sex robots:

Creepy times people:

Imagineering Institute: 40% of men 'could purchase' sex robots in five years

Daily Star: First peek inside Chinese sex robot factory making 'human-like' dolls set to 'GO GLOBAL'

Rise of the sex robots – video

Every time I talk about this on an internet forum I get a sudden ungroundedness a few hours later. Is it that women on that forum are sending me another energy? Or that it conflicts with something in my own internal nature! I think it is good to only bring this up when I have talked about in generally positive terms about sexy girls!

I am fully against sex robots! Corey Goode talks about AI's causing trouble in the secret space programs and that basically, the cylons in "Battlestar Galactica" are completely real!

But there's nothing we can do at the moment is there? Apart from watch! I would like to talk to a group of guys and find out whether they would go for this, but it is not certain I will get an answer, or an honest answer, or that I will 'go out with the guys' any time soon!

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Digital revolution.

Perhaps a non publish today (once I got going though I changed that to a regular post). My change in insulin has given me such a vicious going over I don't feel quite right:

Although good news... My bloodsugars is very well controlled now and as a result I slept like a baby! It's like I'm in a healing mode. All the months of high insulin gave me loads of energy and kept me in a constant, anxious, fight or flight.

An article here that is interesting and which I will watch the video on soon:

Stillness in the Storm: Many Elite Headed to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking
Did you know that in Trump’s first 30 days in office, his people, mainly Attorney General Jeff Sessions, prosecuted 1,500 sex traffickers? To date, Trump/Sessions have prosecuted 3,500 child-sex-traffickers
However, today is very much a waning moon day. I feel very unusual. (Last day of the moon cycle, i.e. new moon cycle starts tomorrow so no new energy today).

The Benjamin Fulford blog:

On another small note Benjamin Fulford has a new webmaster who knows his stuff (it appears the old webmaster did absolutely nothing at all!) I wonder if what is happening with Benjamins comment section on his blogs is a reflection of what will happen when the hard liberal left are no longer funded!

I realise this will be a bit of a story to those who have not heard of this! For ages on this comment section, there has been a guy called Caleb Brennan with an avatar of what might be marijuana, putting out loads and loads and loads of liberal commentary. Although I simply ignored him after dealing with him proved to be impossible, whenever he engaged with people he came out with extremely nasty things, the example one woman gave was that he said that he hoped her dying mother would die sooner rather than later.

Because of Caleb, many people have left! One actually stated he/ she had left because of Caleb when the systems payments got messed up and anyone who had ever been a member was allowed to post. Many, many other have been suspected of leaving because of him.

The guy has been commenting on that blog for years!

So why did not Ben remove him?... Apparently, according to the commenters on the blog, a previous commenter that had talked to Ben (whose honesty I trust) posted a letter from Ben stating that Ben could not get rid of Caleb because he has "agency help"!

The Deep State Agenda:

I will come back to that but just to bring in another thread. Two people recently, two youtubers have talked online, on the same day, about how real protest is needed not just people going on the internet (Brittany Pettibone and Stefan Molyneux)!

It has made me wonder what is stopping this happening! There is definitely the will. Now, Bens new webmaster got a bloodied teddy bear in the mail. The deep state does not want the blog improved and the comment section flowing.

Why? Possible reasons are that a good commenting section allows people to voice opinions opposing the government. There is a pattern that freedom lovers like Breitbart and Zerohedge have a comment section while left wing outlets like the Guardian do not!

Two main reasons I can think of 1) That a good comment section attracts people and people believing in Ben and going on his site is something the Deep State would rather avoid 2) That the information shared on that comment section is also something the deep state does not want seen 3) That people gathering together, even online, is a problem that deep state would rather avoid.

I wonder about 3. In general intimidation tactics used by the left are used to stop people on the truthseeking right from gathering and certainly from protesting. Has there been a massive deep state effort to prevent precisely this? What Stefan Molyneux and Brittany Pettibone talked about in those clips? Have they deliberately set out to stop people gathering together.

I notice some strange- ish trolls on Bring4th when I was there who seemed to jump in deliberately to break things up when people seemed to agree on political ideas.

As above, so below:

The other interesting thing is that clearly how people react on a comment site like this is a microcosm of how society might react.

When the liberal left groups funding disappears what will happen?

It seemed to me that the leftists, the casual left, are not forceful people, and they do whither in the face of taking on a whole group of people who are more right wing/ pro Trump. Someone like this paid troll Caleb offers them the strength they do not have in order that their views be represented!

So will that happen in life then? Will the truthseekers become dominant and the left sort of go quiet because they aren't relying on the mainstream media anymore to bolster their strength?

The globalists, far from being god like tyrants are now more like nagging wives. Following this video from Lauren Southern on patreon:

Holy hell that photo! You can see the whole one on -->

Digital rebellion:

Anyway, as though my concentration had been broken by a great pair of breasts. At the end of this video she states:

7:10: "Until, something better comes along that replaces patreon and I've certainly heard some rumours something like that is coming along".

Patreon has been infiltrated by anti Fa. If something else does come along then the populist right movement will support it. In general, David Seaman talks about an ethereum blockchain. The technology is happening. It appears with all the assaults, the populist right movement was taken by surprise but now they have adapted, now they have gab, and minds and are taking bitcoin and ethereum seriously.

So in that way, there is some sort of push back against the deep state!

Friday, 21 July 2017

Crop circle day/ Astrology and the news cycle. (BBC drama)


So, crop circle day!

Even though very little has changed in the grand scheme of things:

Zerohedge: US Urges All Nationals In North Korea To "Depart Immediately", Bans Tourists From Visiting

and this from yesterday:

Daily Express: North Korea ‘planning another ballistic missile launch’ amid rising tensions with the US
When asked about whether the US would launch a pre–emptive military strike against the hermit kingdom, Mr Selva said: "I think we have to entertain that potential option. That would be a policy choice by the President of the United States to execute or not execute that option."
So, backing up Ben's post here [link] it looks like this is actually going to happen! This is how the Khazarian mob is going to be flushed out!

On the personal level things have changed a lot today... I have finally been able to reduce a type of insulin I use while making sure to do bloodsugars very frequently. As a result, I am really emotional! It's getting silly! I will get hold of myself momentarily and this will very likely in the long term lead to me both sleeping better and exercising easier. Also, in general I seem to be feeling less stress.

Another thing that happened today was that I was messaged by a close friend that I have been a little worried about. A liberal who, in order to remain social with others drinks a lot of alcohol! There didn't seem to be hope from what I could see of him... He has come up with the perfect solution within his belief system... He's going vegan! This is good!

News cycle:

Yesterday, I was reading about this BBC thing, about the situation with the women and men's pay:

Daily Mail: Furious women to force pay higher: Show by show, huge gender paygap at oh-so-right-on BBC laid bare - and the female stars who didn't make the list

This was the chart at the time:

Quite amazing. Venus 17 Gemini, that's the feminine instinct in the sign that is very communicative. With two other connections there... Inconjunct Pluto and Jupiter in Libra (There's May!) Then represented separately is the male free market instinct,  Mars, Sun, Uranus and Chiron. Separately from either of these is Saturn and North Node/ Mercury... I.e. EVERYONE is getting screwed over in this working culture (in my opinion that's what that means!) Neptune is sitting there all on its own!

I do not know and passionately do not care about this issue. Mainly because I want the BBC to crash and burn. (Although, if it helps in the whole North Korea propaganda I might like it a bit more! We're the bad guys now!) I have seen it said that the male stars pull people in... People like Gary Linekar; so he should be paid £2 million.

To me Gary Linekar is a waste of good oxygen I can't bring myself to respect that argument. Although Jeremy Paxman did definitely pulled in the dough. People would not have watched Newsnight without him. The public really desire to see politicians taken down a couple of pegs!

I wonder if this perspective will be brought up with other companies subjected to these rules... I.e. a female journalist who has taken several years off maternity leave so does not have the contacts to cover big stories? The potential result of all this is that the men leave places like this and go do other jobs when their wages are reduced. Or the corporations struggle financially if the females pay is increased!

Here is a rumour. But in a fast moving situation like this, it may not be correct:

Daily Mail: Ten women presenters set to sue the BBC over pay - as ITV make audacious bid for Newsnight's 'furious' Emily Maitlis

This could, by the drip, drip nibbling of ducks... Destroy the BBC!

Words of a distant land:

One of the concrete dreams I have had about the demise of the cabal specifically mentioned the BBC... Good times this is indeed!

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Feminine liars in society/ All the signs/ Personal.

Body language of Antifa Girl:

Soft feminine women have caused a lot of trouble in my life previously. As I say that I remind myself there are women at work and that has no relation. However, when I put this video on an astrology site recently some of the people there did not like it. Because they did not like an older woman analysing a younger woman and put her analysis down to jealousy.

This is ironic because in general women will back up other women, a female cheater will draft in friends to help her which is why they get caught less frequently! If they are going to draft in friends who do help them then if the best moral thing to do in the situation is to tell the man involved this is DEFINITELY not going to happen.

Thus we see how karma is set.

All the signs:

All these signs I have been talking about recently... The lightning, the 21st of July Crop circle and the 21st of August eclipse. I have even looked at people I knows charts and come to the conclusion that the eclipse is in line with positive things happening such as disclosure. For me personally it closes over my sun and the solar one is in relation to highly political planets (and the asteroid to do with soulmates). Such as the planets responsible for this blog.

Closing over the Sun could mean that this sort of second personality I have had to start since my "life path" has been put off will close (including in relation to the "discipline" surrounding sexuality, it will move to another discipline), and that things will start off in earnest in relation to the solar eclipse!

Also, for a friend who does not like to look at any of these things, who "emotionally prefers" they do not exist and will not look at the possibility of societal change like I outline, the solar eclipse is opposing his Sun, as though the stuff he doesn't want to look at will get manifested via this eclipse. Someone else, a young person, whose chart I have on file the idea of the unfair wounded world may close up and ideas of a future will open up.

However, all this abstract analysis may come to nothing... I am nervous! I will start to feel a bit angry I think if nothing happens (I will have "lost polarity". What is the point of drawing a massive design in a crop circle marking a certain date and then nothing happening on that date!?


For me personally things are going great! I have been carefully managing my diabetes and today I might be able to reduce my insulin that will reduce stress and allow me to do exercise! I am also using a grounding stone all day now. I keep it in my pocket!

Ending of the full moon cycle there is absolutely nothing in the news (except this BBC thing that may cause a backlash! Good times!) If the signs are right we should be seeing a change soon and especially in relation to the EU or more specifically... The remainers!

Lightning strikes/ Geopolitics/ All the little signs

Remember the lightning strikes? 

The New World: Lightning Strikes Prophecy

There have been a few recently that have come to nothing obvious. Most notably one in Hungary has come out with nothing yet.

However, when noticed I think such events are still worth mentioning, just in case they do come to something. If the Universe went to all that trouble to give someone a sign then it is worth mentioning it at least:

As a short summary of the article, the lightning strikes usually appear just before a certain group seems to get some karma. So a month before the 2015 top lightning hit the top of the one World Trade Center. On 9/11 lightning hit a mosque in Saudi Arabia killing around 80 people and a month later the Russians went into Syria. This was the lightning on the day of the EU referendum:

... and this was the lighting yesterday:

The South of England, London, and Ireland... All very liberal and remain areas.


Some evidence and building upon what Ben has been saying... here is what he said:

Conspire Planet: "Ben Fulford says "Khazarian Mafia Defeat Certain" Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere
Pentagon sources are saying that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (a member of the Saxe Gotha Rothschild family) already reached a deal with the Chinese when she visited China on June 13th. According to that deal Merkel promised to resign after Greece exits the EU and, in exchange, the Chinese agreed to rescue Deutschebank. Deutschebank would not otherwise survive a Greek exit from the EU (71% of Greeks are against the EU and only 27% support it) because it would mean a default on Greek debt which has been used by Deutschebank (and others) to create derivative mountains. These mountains would collapse once the sand of Greek debt they are built on is removed
My emphasis!

Now of course, those who reside up their own asses, i.e. The EU, have decided they are going to investigate China and remove China's voting rights from the bank!:

Daily Express: Is the EU on brink of war with China over Germany's Deutsche Bank?

Will China pull the plug... I'm going to bet no!

All the little signs:

Definitely working in comparative darkness with only a light of a tiny candle to make my way through things. Things are looking interesting. Between the lightning, crop circles and astrology there are very big signs that something is in fact going to happen soon. However, that is exasperating isn't it!? I suppose experiencing is the way it is!

It is as though you were picking up loads of body language signals and dreams and other things from a girl that she is cheating but her friends are working very hard together to stop you finding out and so you are a little blocked.

However, eventually there will be some justice happening!