Wednesday 18 March 2015


Won't be able to catch up with my views, at least it's less likely. Steadily raising :).
Earlier I said that one of the strongest and best self improvement methods I was using was to stop masturbating. At the time I simply completely supressed my sex drive.
Now I don't know the inns and outs but I have suddenly got to a place where that is not able to be supported. I mean, I don't release, and would feel awful if I did. But there is also the inability to supress my sex drive since sometimes I feel a kind of pain, or the effort to supress makes me feel very ill and 'disconnected'.
So now I am sort of looking at girls, or thinking of girls. Sometimes going on profiles of dating sites, and having signed up on one. I have gone on a bit of porn but do not know if I will continue or discontinue this practice.
Basically, I need to keep that 'energy' somehow alive and on the surface, it will not go down below the surface.

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