Ah, learning a lot of Christmas songs for tomorrow. Like, memorising chord progressions and things. Feels good.
I wanted to address this specific post. In my last post I said I had gone a bit over the top in a boomer comment section. I hope I can get pretty deep into why this is. But it might be that the blog forms so that I only mention the basics.
Anyway, I REALLY don't want to alert the woman that wrote the original blog that I am writing this post, and I am not clear on the specific rules on when people are alerted to these things. So I won't drop the specific article. But the article is an article: Kindness, from a variety of perspectives, elsaelsa.com, created on December 3rd 2024.
It was literally embarrassing trying to communicate with these women when they don't even slightly care. But this is the message she looked at:
“What shows kindness, or lack of such quality? In particular, I am interested in this in one-on-one relationships….say you want to end a relationship but on your way out, you think you don’t owe the other person anything (which is often true; really easy these days to drop a person out of our lives & never have to see them again). Someone told me long ago that people are kind because that’s all they could ever offer (meaning, they don’t have anything else to offer). At the time I thought this was wrong….but, I don’t know. Most people drop people like flies these days. What do you think of this?
I must add that I do have a personal stake in this Q, having insisted on being kind. But I rarely see this reciprocated, especially in people my age (early thirties). Is this not common anymore, I wonder.
I kind of screen people (men) on the basis of this one criteria, first. The way some people use height, or income…well this is my no 1 primary thing to check…..I’m just re-evaluating if this is worth the bother? or realistic, even.”
I would argue, that when a lot of men start dating, they are naturally kind. Yes, there are a few that are interested in "only one thing". But that is definitely not the majority in my experience.
The thing with the interplay of masculinity and femininity, is that men have a lot of toughness, from various sources. Part of this is that they think technically, part of this is that others are just not as soft on them as they are on women. But, being young, they probably are not going to be "super hard".
Guys can get insensitive with women, especially if they are successful with women. When pleasing them is no longer important because there is always another. But for a lot of the time, a lot of men don't have a lot of internal defence against the positive feelings they have for women.
Women produce a kind of emotion, a kind of sweetness that can't really be replicated elsewhere most of the time. All the reasons men find women annoying and such... "crazy". Their protected nature, and often, inability to see objectively outside their own emotions. Are also desireable to men.
Since men are very connected to the objective world (where the wealth can be built), they can't replicate this inside themselves easily. But women do supply it. A kind of warm emotion disconnected from the harshness of nature. A softness.
How does this become insensitivity?
Many things come up for me when discussing this entire area. It will definitely feel cathartic to write all this out as I felt a lot of annoyance at trying to explain some of this previously and plus, they were not encouraging me to explain anything. If you have something that you want to explain the other person has to be basically receptive. If they are making passive aggressive comments and not asking you questions, the conversation simply will not flow to any deeper truths.
One of the red pill founders, Rollo Tomassi. In his book the rational male. Talks about how, due to "womens liberation", women have started to see relationships as more of an indulgence than having the same sense of need they used to have. Before obviously, the amount of redistributive taxation that we have now. Firstly, a woman would understand that a man is earning money for her. Secondly, women needed men, so there was another element to the relationship than just what's in it for her, a good deal of the time.
There has been a lot of cultural change from earlier on. The pill being one of those. Medical innovation.
And this has changed women in a lot of powerful ways. I would like to give a lot of personal anecdotes to explain this, but I feel that this would be a bit rude to the women whose experiences I am repeating. Even if they were not identified.
But lets consider the world that young men are "competing in". It is said in the red pill that the period between their 20's and 30's. A lot of women are in the "whore" phase. There is a lot in the red pill said about this. But what I want to focus on is the style women have in this phase of deliberately going out, and pursuing short term relationships.
What is 'normal'?
Stefan Molyneux once remarked about women that in their twenties. When they are looking for short term "fun". They consider guys that are looking for something long term to be "weird", "clingy" and even "creepy".
Then, when a woman does decide she wants to settle down. At about thirty. All of a sudden the fact that men won't commit, the guys that are still coming around for short term "situationships" (a purely female term if ever there was one!) All of a sudden, the men are "narcissists", or whatever.
This is... ridiculous! You see that right?
It shows the limits of female power. That sounds like a strange thing to say in this society. But, there is a limit to how much you can simply point at a behaviour you don't like and socially shame it; well, technically you can do it as much as you like, but it has a limit to how long it remains effective. There is a point it doesn't really work especially if it is so transparently self centered as this. There is no true morality here, and men, or at least a lot of men, and a growing number, know that.
But the point is, a lot of young men experience a lot of unpleasantness in these environments. There are a LOT of women that will have no difficult conversations. Anything, literally anything that is 'bad vibes'. They will ditch a guy and even, if they just feel like it.
Something that Jordan Peterson said recently. A person that doesn't have negative consequences for their actions cannot perceive morality. They don't know what is right or wrong. But there are consequences to female behaviour. It just comes later. Not in their twenties when they are subjecting men to their will. But later on.
The wound:
And this is the wound that the men this woman is talking to are struggling with. The astrologer herself mentioned the potential of too high of standards, perhaps that is the case. Also, perhaps she has reached 30 and engaged in all sorts of degeneracy in her 20's. So the guys that come around know what the score is.
Now, once women reach 30, guys know what has probably happened. She spent her twenties whoring around which means, she is all sorts of damaged and talks about her 'narcissistic exes'. She probably gave herself over on the first date a lot, and wants the man to wait now (because she has "learned her lesson"). There are all sorts of very negative things a guy needs to watch out for which is partly why, once girls get to that age, guys just hit it and bounce.
It could also be the standard female problem of just going way out of her league and wanting to be exclusively desired from this place. Often just wanting that and not defining it as even a proper relationship. Just believing that a man with a lot of options is going to suddenly like her. Perhaps he will confess his love to her? Too much Greys anatomy.
But there is another side of this. A more human side. The men this woman is dealing with, let's say she is mid twenties. They have been dealing with a lot of girls that have been quite unkind in their rejecting of anything long term. This is why we are in the state that we are in. If a guy has been, in turn, ghosted or cheated on by women. Perhaps he was in a hook up situation and when he wanted to make it more serious he was laughed at. Or in some other way he was considered a "convenience".
Then the best decision going forward is simply to mirror that behaviour. Sign up for the hook up and don't get too involved. Ghost at leisure.
And this is what I would say to her. This post. This is what the issue is. To understand it. She could approach it differently. Even if she didn't get a different result. Having a justification might make her feel better about it.
So the question is poorly framed in my view. The question is not identifying people that are unchangeably kind. It is identifying if someone who was kind is now behaving in a different way. It is understanding people enough to get what she wants in the situation.
It is having some sort of empathy for men in general. I realise that is an incredibly tall order. But it is a very workable strategy.
Perhaps she needs to show vulnerability first. Perhaps she needs to ask them about their other relationships or properly clarify what her connection with them means. Regardless of how (tbh if) she does handle this in some way going forward. The information and explanation I have summarised in this post would be a useful aid to her I believe.
But, the women at Elsaelsa aren't interested in exploring any of that. All of what I have summarised here comes under the red pill umbrella and qualifies as "red pill meanie". Too many "bad vibes"? All of what I have summarised would actually help her rather than considering men and the current dating market in an overly simplistic manner.
You would really have expected them to grow up by now. In their sixties they still hold that way of viewing life.