Monday, 28 October 2024

Dreams of death.

I wanted to do a post following on from this community note on my youtube:

I have discussed on this channel before opposing ideas of forgiveness without contrition. I am aware that if I am to talk about something like that it becomes relevant to explain how then, emotions are released and such, without that as a tool.


And I had a dream about this this morning. It isn't good 'form' in general I don't think to explain dreams but, I hope a small exception is OK.


There was a kind of 'low life criminal'. He reminded me of the corrupt cop in the first season of Lucifer. He managed to pull off both 'dangerous and tough' and 'kind of pathetic at the same time. He was making a deal with death and I was sitting next to them both. Death, this time in my dream and at others, has always had something distinctly feminine about the figure. Here there was no feminine form/ skin. It was more of a ghostly black figure that couldn't be seen. But the way the figure looked at me and felt, is a more feminine way of doing so. One of complete attention.


I am meant to be observing this story and not even able to be seen or interfere. Like a star trek style holodeck thing perhaps. Like peeking in on an already recorded scene in 3D. The deal this character is making with death is one that doesn't benefit him that much. But includes them killing someone else. This has a distinctly unpleasant feel to it. There is only more suffering for this character down this road. (I would assume!)


Since it doesn't bring him any benefit and I did not want the person killed that these two were planning to kill. I interferred with the scene, to the surprise of death, by asking the low life character why he was doing it, what he wanted, and asking in an aggressive way. He said he just wants to die, so I grabbed his neck in my arms and killed him. Death looks kind of pissed (plan obviously thwarted) and the dream ends there.


The one dream that the Law of One contact was asked to interpret they said that the dream was from a negative source so that does happen. Dreams can't be considered infallible. But if I were to take this as positive. I would think it would be something like that bible quote 'vengeance is mine saith the lord'. It strikes me that by taking this action I have made an enemy of death; by giving the low life what he wanted I have made an additional problem for myself. By alleviating his karma and the agony of his life I have separated him from malign forces, the suffering that his own character has earned.


In this case, the 'killing' of the character is a false form of toughness. The actual more ruthless thing to do would be to leave them to the karma of their own devices.

Annoying small formatting there. 

In my view this is a very interesting dream and insight. But I continued having insights into it after I posted this. 

Death being a ghostly black figure that couldn't really be seen is an interesting thing I think. And deeply feminine. Definitely some relevance to that energy in my own life. Death was kind of short as well. 

There is definitely a kind of misery that women in general can be kind of talented at. Definitely not all, this is not a red pill post or anything. But I remember when I worked in fast food. You get a bunch of guys together doing something that is not that high status, and they just get on with it. You would not be able to tell they had any inner conflict necessarily (doesn't mean they don't). But you get a group of women on a shift late night and you can FEEL the misery they bring to the interaction. They make eye contact with each other to communicate how bad everything is. It's like... Oh my god! 

Definitely not always. In one store I worked it was majority female and I never got that vibe. I think it happens primarily amongst women that think they deserve better. But in general, in my personal life as well, with women with depression and such. The energy of women to really engage with the misery that low status entails is really very oppressive in my opinion. 

That reminds me of this situation and how I have summarised it thus far. I said deaths energy was female, and the criminal character is engaging with that energy that is noticeably manipulative. In a way it could be talking about how people like that have women in their lives and so are subjected to that energy. Like, I don't need to bring karma down on someone that has a woman in their life that is committed to misery. Because that women day in and day out will concoct more and more ways to be committed to and spread such misery. 

Real life:

There is more to that female death though, psychologically, I believe. That black void that sucks all into it. But is not negative or aggressive. Still, not a person or energy I would want to cross. 

Way more to the dream though and the concept. Two things that both travel together. The QAnon narrative that I originally arrived at through David Wilcock fits with this. Rather than there being a magical new age fast mass change where the evildoers are all immediately arrested and the evildoers and conformists in the real world are suddenly unbelievably shocked. The idea of a slow, entropy laden society change where these people have to experience this degradation every single day is potentially a more potent karmic punishment. 

As well with David Wilcock himself. To put faces to this dream the low life criminal could have BEEN David Wilcock; and the person I wanted to protect, that a negative force (Stavatti) was agreeing with the criminal to target might have been Steven Cambian. I am powerless in any legal issue there but it still means I have emotions regarding this kind of thing. 

The dream of course doesn't just answer this single point if this were a correct interpretation. It will also give a general philosophical overview of such concepts. Never just the fish always to teach how to fish. 

I think my brain has kind of shorted out at this point. I did have an episode a few weeks ago where I got in a kind of anxiety spiral I couldn't get out of until I drunk quite a bit. I identified that I was doing too much and that dream interpretation was specifically something causing additional stress so I stopped that. Yet here I am!

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