Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Strange social dynamics.

So todays video I'm going to jump off of is this one. If it doesn't embed it's called WHY WOMEN IGNORE 'NICE GUYS': ANDREW TATE AND SADIA KHAN, by SadiaKhanPodcast:


Going back to discussing gender roles that always feels a bit uncomfortable.

This clip was a bit of a shame it felt like to me. Sadia's point at the beginning was that you can get hot women that simply won't be approached by a certain kind of guy. 

This is something I have observed a bit of in real life. 

The complexity:

When I was a teen, when I was very young and putting together my ideas on the world. I was always told that men are psychologically simple and women are psychologically very complex. Women are 'complicated'. As soon as I got involved with the push and pull of life. Working with girls in my early twenties at the height of their power, and ability to create drama. With testosterone so high at that age (how do any of us survive seriously?) This belief system didn't serve me well.

Firstly, as women will say to me, my psychology, as a guy, isn't simple. My psychology is perhaps one of the most complex of anyone you are ever likely to meet, and that's because I have a strong schizophrenic leaning, and a medical condition that changes things around a bit for me. So as one example, it reduces my sex drive. 

I was also getting a lot of bizarre stuff from women. What I eventually came to understand was; "you know what, these women aren't that complex". What the utility of that insight was, was that when they would do weird semi abusive things to me. (I was literally stalked for a while). I could not be going around thinking that they were lovely mystical creatures. What I begun to understand, was that there is a difference between "mysterious". I.e. what almost feels like a gift from the Creator. Unwrapping a present. And "secret". I.e. the girl is exploring her options on the side. She is withdrawn not because there is some lovely, mysterious present to unwrap. But because she is keeping a secret. She is withdrawing parts of herself. 

The emotional to's and fro's of a girl that has to juggle a bunch of guys is not particularly interesting. It is kind of boring and trashy. 

The beauty.

But later, I did start to realise that when you get to know women on a more personal level, that there is a level of mysteriousness there. 

A big part of the mysteriousness of women though, firstly, they are not really aware of it. Women are also naturally secretive and they simply don't communicate in the same why guys do. The manosphere careful delineation of wisdom, including statistics and a kind of army like heirarchy, is not the same as womens incoherent babbling on Tik Tok. Womens intense aversion to introspection has been one of the things that has really struck me.

That's where this video comes in. Sadia started with a comment on how women might experience the world that I thought was interesting, then Andrew came in with standard manosphere points. Obviously, ones that he cares passionately about, and that is perhaps admirable. But in my personal experience, it is sometimes worth considering the female perspective here. 

I used to know a girl who had been deeply beautiful when she was younger. It has informed my view of the world to a great degree. The stories she told me of this, being ungrounded and unable to relate to the world due to the pressure from both men and women were not pleasant. She was a deeply miserable and tormented person. 

Sadia's point at the beginning of this video was that beautiful women don't actually have the same choice in men, and it is something worth thinking about I think. Even if this is due to her own hubris. Even if she is choosing that, it is an interesting point to consider as a sociological phenomena.

This girl I talked about, the 'beauty'. She struggled a bit it felt to me when she knew me because... I was nice to her. I am kind of deep with all my astrology and all that. I knew very specifically how to manipulate her (I'm actually good at manipulating women if I want to be) and I manipulated her to stop her killing herself. But I wasn't using that manipulation to make her complete strange sex acts or gain status in another way - she was confused by this. Knowing me, my perspective on things, and comments I made that she found interesting. I think she felt these improved her. My understanding of status and such. 

She had simply never known anyone remotely like me in her life. 

I am aware I am speaking highly of myself here. 

In a way I was playing the 'nice guy', or it might look like that. But I am not a nice guy in the sense of passive aggressive until I get laid. I am just all kinds of psychologically deep and spiritual. 

The world.

Now, going back to what I said earlier, if this is an issue for women. They probably are not going to articulate it. I imagine a lot of their experiences they never even realise.

But when I look at a girl like Victoria Pfeiffer. I instinctively know that a lot of guys who could show her a new way of looking at the world will avoid her and the ones that want her. Of course some will be fantastic people. But a lot will go for the status. 

A lot of the issues do have a self created element though, and it is for that reason I can't actually feel bad for them about this. A lot of twenty year old girls are really crappy to nice guys while they are chasing experience with flashy demons. Karma has to complete itself. But it is still something worth noting I think, all the same. 

My theory on karma is that when she is nasty to those 'nice guys'. They get angry and that's what creates the karma.

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