Monday, 23 December 2024

The higher self plan.

A few hours ago I wrote a comment on a Stefan Molyneux podcast about atheism and such, saying partly that the tract of "Gods plan" and such. Was I suppose, a cop out of sorts.

But, obviously I don't quite believe that, if a lot of my output is about Gods plan and such. But I do believe that people that do believe that kind of thing, it is a personal aspect of faith, like dream interpretation, and it shouldn't be used to gain control over another. To gain power in a conversation when difficult, but completely legitimate, questions are brought up. 

In essence, where I might meet atheists in my own life. Know atheists in my life. I believe anything that I might express can often be also talked about in a way that respects a secular viewpoint. Like Stefan himself does sometimes. Stefan sometimes uses God and Jesus as a metaphor for various things. Or even demons. 

The higher plan.

One of the thing that strikes me in general with the way life works out. Is that for me, several different problems I have, are very strongly helped or solved by one single thing. I think this happens a lot and it is almost as though the spirits have conspired to point us in a certain direction.

For me, that is weight lifting, among other things; and I will talk about some other related things and how they link up. 

I have bone thinning and non alcoholic, fatty liver disease. Linked to that liver issue is the need to lose weight. Weight lifting solves each of these. Weight lifting, is basically the only thing that really helps me lose weight, which I know since I weigh myself everyday. Although I have changed my diet a lot. I eat a lot more salads and such, and meat. It was not particularly positive doing just calorie counting, fasting for even a day was abysmal. What is constructive though, is weight lifting/ walking and controlling my food intake. That is far more sustainable and workable. When I am doing both of these, weight lifting is when I get a drop in weight, whereas outside of that it doesn't go down a whole lot. 

The other thing that seems to be coming about with these changes is that NoFap, six days at the moment, seven in about three hours. As the energy changes, I am noticing myself as more involved in everyday life. In a way I can't describe. I just made a twenty minute video getting very annoyed at a forum I go on every so often.

I said recently that I feel my health improvement, and astrological changes (nodal return); and how this might coincide with things working out globally. I.e. I wanted to be not engaged in conspiracy so much when something actually went down and this reflects that. 

On top of this (remember I mentioned how it all seems to come together!) The NoFap seems to be making me internalise things a lot more. As part of that I am hoping I remove my energy from blogs and forums altogether. Or perhaps at least if my output was more grounded, there would be a layer of 'shield'... as such.

Where the nudges lead

And hopefully, along with yet more changes I won't mention just at this moment. There is a lot of potential benefit to say ... "weightlifting". In relation to things like jobseeking. If you turn up to a job interview thinner and healthier than you would've been, better energy. Then that sounds like a good thing. It also potentially opens up opportunities in relation to relationships and such. 

I hope to go to the gym in the next few hours. It closes soon until the morning of the 27th of December. So to be in a great mood over Christmas, I need to go in the next few hours that I am looking forward to. 

Happy Christmas to you too! People been saying it doesn't feel like Christmas, but it feels fine to me!

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