Friday, 23 January 2015

Extremely mad.

This is extremely mad what I am about to say but it feels true nonetheless.
A friend was talking about me the other day, excitedly, about one of the times before when I had come off vegetarianism because I was eating a bacon sandwich as I was talking. He essentially brought forward a different version of the story, where, to my mind he is suspiciously in the center of attention.
But, I said that's not how it went down, and he basically dominated to insist that it was and I didn't challenge that. This gives me an uncomfortable feeling that the guy is sort of 'stealing my memories' in a very STS sense. Making a part of myself serve him and his interest of condescension and domination.
This is what bring4th obviously wanted from me. To withdraw the investigation into Don and to go question all my memories whereby if we consider the synchronicities leading to me believing x and y then those would be questioned until they were different memories. Perhaps with an evil malevolent figure nearby leading me to never be comfortable in my own skin again.
What to do? Well, the reason that happened was because I was eating chocolate. I can't go and meet this friend because I was too stressed and I did eat loads and loads of chocolate to handle his presence. Basically that kind of thing stimulates you to the place where you let down your natural guards. Your body reflects this by getting overrun in all similar ways. Caffeine stimulates, sugar makes a person not realise something bad is really there.
So, back to eating properly is currently my defense. The stress meaning I didn't want to talk to this person was probably accurate. Every time I am nice to him it becomes a conversation about how he hates my decision making process and thinks it's irrational. This is the side effect of becoming very psychic. This kind of thing probably wouldn't've bothered me before.
It makes me wonder about all these things. There was a time once when I went on a girls facebook that I know, or more correctly that I don't know at all. It was as though in a visualisation sense she jumped through the screen and into my dreams. It was a very nice dream. But the implication is, firstly, don't go looking on people's facebook. I find any looking at women on facebook brings a sexual feeling that stays. Secondly, it has an interesting relation to any porn. How much are these things effecting energy fields etc. Just touching Carla's energy field when I made a comment once changed my thoughts. As does a lot of psychic touching of energy fields. 

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