Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Too many rice bowls.

I wanted to write for the title "too many plates". But spinning plates is a term used for dating multiple people at once, and I'm just not that cool. So rice bowls will have to do. 

At the moment, for me, things are so profound that I can't quite capture all the information I have into a coherent message. 

Uranus is now direct in gate 23.5. This theme is very relevant to someone I know, a family member, this specific transit including when Uranus was in 23.5 before. I do not have gate 23 though, or gate 43. Neptune is soon to be leaving gate 36, and as it does I have had two huge insights. One, is simply too large to talk about now, it needs to be processed before it can be expressed. The second of these two insights is that a friend of mine from the past, who is often relevant to Neptune transits, has gate 36 in his incarnation cross. These two things, the transit, the big potentially life changing insight, and the person, are all connected. 

Then we have my final understanding of the movement of Pluto that I have obsessed about for a few months now. Now that Pluto is in gate 41, how it links with my life and gate 60 makes a lot of sense. 

Then I have had insights into the fact that gate 41 is a new cycle, and exactly how important that is. And gate 25 is also a new cycle. As relevant to the tarot I have talked about previously.

All that added together is too much and I have nothing to say. The two outer planets in relation to other peoples charts might contain wisdom such that relates to how the human design is experienced in general. It feels good to capture how we are all 'linked' as the Law of One states. But in a practical way that can be understood. 

All this together might bring an insight into how to translate transits or something; and/ or they could be unified under some wisdom I decide from all this. Or, there might be some energy or thing in my real life that unifies all this. Such as NoFap or Music. 

But the takeaway is at the moment that it is all too much to articulate. So this is where I am at the moment.

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