These are my theories on Saturn then.
Firstly, let's start with 'karma'. It is often said that Saturn is 'Karma'. It does seem to have a correlation with something "Karmic" like court cases and such like that. But what is "Karma"?
What karma is meant to be is some sort of grand metaphysical law that what we do comes back to us. This is the case in both positive and negative behaviours. But the term karma is usually meant in relation to negative behaviours. So if you do something bad, the same thing or something similar or equivalent will happen to you.
The trouble is, for me, with this analogy. Is that it seems to undermine the general complexity of the world. Does Saturn ever turn up to punish people for their actions? Seemingly yes. But so do other planets. What even is an action to begin with? If I cheat on someone is it the same as someone cheating on me? What if I cheated on someone that was abusive and the person that cheated on me I was not abusive to?
It simply seems to me that life is too grand and complex for such a simplistic explanation. We are experiencing a lot of "karma" in the world at the moment, as a lot of ideological weirdos in America are having their six or seven figure jobs and funding cut for things that most Americans would not agree with. There is a sense of rage that tax dollars have been spent on this when, very often, that taxation has lead to people living lives of poverty; i.e. the people paying the tax.
This is not Saturn. This is Pluto. Pluto has uncovered something huge. Neptune is another planet that seems to have a link to these concepts. That planet that covers and reveals and changes according to an unknown rulebook. Linking to ideology. Linking to philosophy and all sorts of hidden psychological and sometimes, grindingly painful, things.
To me, karma has shaped up a lot to look like this: The world doesn't run on emotions, the world runs according to an incredibly specific and complex set of mechanics. A set of mechanics to which "ethics" in general is relevant to.
When morals, ethics are happening and things are running fine. Then things work according to some sort of grand plan. But when someone makes a decision that is not in line with ethics. There is a spanner in the works and a whole entire set of mechanics gets pushed off. The person who cheats has a worse relationship with their partner as they have to hide themselves more, then their partner resents them more, and this effects how present they both are for their children. It means they are less able to take on life challenges like say, a problem at the childs school, due to being indulgently concerned with their own problems.
The "karma" being that twenty years later the child holds them accountable for this. This if followed goes back to the original mechanic and cheating.
All this, is more than the simplicity of Saturn. It might include Saturn. But life is more complex than this one planet. It will include, in some way or another, pretty much all planets I would imagine. Because morality, ethics and so karma, are all big and important enough to be involved in "everything".
Transiting Saturn:
Amongst all this weirdness then, where does Saturn fit in? Saturn that I have said is both karma and not karma?
A few weeks or a month ago of so I was going on two different forums. One was a very female heavy astrology forum. Another was a, basically mixed gender spiritual forum. I was talking in two posts and I think this showed how Saturn can be represented both positively and negatively. In a sense.
The spiritual forum had someone on it that was talking about parenting and how they were basically enabling drug addiction in their child as their form of "love". The astrology forum I was talking to someone that actually explained their astrology and transits to me. And I complimented them on this, and said this was good of them.
The transit was Saturn conjunct Venus in Pisces. To the drug addict enabler I basically said what was obvious. That I thought that was not at all an expression of love. To the astrology woman. As I already said, I complimented her.
This seems to me to be the two sides of Saturn and what I think Saturn relates to is "work". Either you have worked well, you have worked hard and done well in whatever task that was. Or you have not done well and are now being pushed back on for the complacency, that correlates, but is not at its core, a moral issue. It's prime meaning is in relation to "work".
Saturn is the working planet.
The next part.
In the next part, I will go through how Saturn shows in my own chart and what I have discovered about it's placement in the human design chart.
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