Ah, this feels good. Finally getting down to this. I feel like this will unblock other areas of thought.
Following on from parts 1 and 2 that really set the direction of this thought process. Where I finished with the idea that karma is too complex and important to be one planet, and that Saturn tends to discusses the "work" area in a sense. So in it's negative it turns up in transit like "You're not doing your job properly". In the positive it turns up as "Wow, you did that really well".
This definitely fits other instances in my life. Issues I have had with workplaces where they have made things difficult for me have correlated with Saturn transits. But it is unlikely that wage slave work is a one to one correlation with Saturn.
As I said, I am now going to think about how Saturn has shown up in my human design chart to further discuss this dynamic. I had planned to do both conscious and unconscious in this post. But when writing it I realised I won't fit unconscious Saturn in.
Conscious Saturn, gate 5.4.
As seen in my human design chart. This is happening on an undefined centre. Obviously I don't know offhand what a defined sacral would feel like since I don't have one. So I can't contrast what the difference is between defined and undefined Saturn here. Although, with the two hanging hexagrams I have going from the sacral, and two further I have going to the sacral. By transit fairly often my sacral is defined. But having something defined by transit is a completely different thing than having it natally defined.
I do not have an issue getting myself to do things. Of course, like everyone else I have the issue where occasionally I will think I should have done something productive rather than watched that TV show. But in general, it is not my biggest issue. I have a huge amount of anger and I enjoy the gym. I don't have to force myself to go. I have a constant, grinding, semi panic that keeps me productive when illness is not a problem preventing that.
One thing that does impact my productivity though. At least a thing that correlates with it. Is shown in this hexagram. This is the hexagram of cycles and waiting. Things like having a pattern in ones life. In the line 4, which is about relating and people (heart chakra stuff!) In the gate 5.4. it's about having a pattern and NOT ALLOWING OTHERS TO PUSH YOU OFF THAT. So it is not having the same pattern as everyone else most likely.
In my life, this is very true. Navigating around my health condition, I have a lot of patterns that are abnormal. I have a lot of things that I have learned that are simply not part of mainstream understanding, and with weight loss this is particularly true.
I have a few stomach issues. Celiac linked likely, which most diabetics have. It means that if I eat well for too long I will get uncomfortable. Soups and salads, my stomach only has so much endurance for. At times, cake is pretty much perfect for my bloodsugars. It is surprisingly, perfectly, long acting. Whereas gluten free bread is way too long acting. It will peak long after the insulin does. Meaning when I eat it, I risk hypo'ing and then the bloodsugars will raise later on. A recipe for disaster.
Basically, what I am saying. That I manage quite a lot of different individual factors when moderating my health. Another thing is my insulin. I have two insulins. One is long acting and another is short acting. The long acting takes about 5 to 7 days to change. When I lose weight, the need for long acting changes. So when my weight goes down I suddenly have to eat more. (I.e. because I have less need for long acting insulin but still have it in my system!)
I have discovered a few other unpredictable things as well.
Moderating all these factors. Including things like exercise. Basically means that I am taking a few different weight loss things, and things relevant to diabetes, and kind of pushing them into my own model. Organising around other limitations in my life. Jobsearching or what have you. Spiritual things such as prayer, meditation or music. Means that all this information has added together meaning that my own way of doing things. The times I sleep, the patterns I have. Are all not at all understandable to others. But very effective. I have been losing weight and such.
It took me a long time to understand the manifestation of Saturn in the gate 5.4. It feels like something that I just do without putting effort into. It's not easy to notice. I just happen to keep my own schedule in things and since I am largely a hermit. It has not been highlighted as an issue because no one is trying to pull me off my patterns.
It's correlation with weight loss though which is a huge positive improvement is notable. Weight loss is a classic Saturnian kind of thing.
That was long enough and the other placement I have with Saturn. Gate 26.4. Is very much an emotional step change. Not discussing everyday things like this but going into grief. So I will do this on the next, and most likely final part of this series. I wonder if the 26, being defined and part of a full channel. Is different and deeper, requiring more processing because it is defined. Whereas this that is relevant to every day life is because it is hanging on an undefined centre?
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