Sunday, 9 February 2025

Thoughts on Saturn. Part 1.

FINALLY I am doing this. Although only part 1 as I am still feeling a bit strange in my health. Also, this laptop is malfunctioning.

I summarised in my last post a kind of bottleneck with my various creative thoughts. For the moment that seems to have been solved and I suspect, this is partly due to my NoFap days raising to 10. When it is not clear what to focus on, that energy pushes the most base of the relevant ideas. Which is good. The output that relates to the real world.


I recently had a moment, in my working out of various hexagrams and such. Where I realised that Ra Uru Hu was wrong, in my perception, about something in the human design. That sounds absolutely crazy right? Since it was his system. 

It is just my thought, but he was writing about the gate 26. He summarised how it works and stated that when there is a certain issue. The gate 44 arrives to guide or explain to the gate 26 what's what.

No, this isn't true. The reason I believe it isn't true is that energy flows up the chart. Gate 44 is below gate 26 so gate 26 picks information out of what the gate 44 offers or experiences. It does not flow the other way. Gate 25 does not flow down to gate 51. Gate 30 doesn't flow down to gate 41. Below the throat, the energy just goes up. 

It's interesting how the mind works. I have had a fair few thoughts on the design that have strained themselves against Ra Uru Hu's teaching on it. But they have not crossed the barrier to expression. Because, I suppose, I don't want to be wrong; and while I think Ra Uru Hu is probably right on most things. Expressing views different from his means I might be wrong. 

But then when that is broken with the thought process above. That entire thing broke and my thoughts on Saturn, that are also different from Ra's, suddenly became easier to express.

I am just stating that out loud because I think that is very interesting. Paying attention to Ra Uru Hu's teachings was never pushed on me with any sort of force. I just didn't want to be wrong. But it's interesting how the brain universalises stuff like this and I wonder in how many different areas of peoples lives must this be happening. That feels like a whole universe of thoughts just there!  

My chart:

Here is my chart. I'm going to explain my Saturn placements that reveal exactly my age. Not showing my age is why the placements either side of this chart are cropped out. But, the insecurity remains so despite explaining my Saturn placements, I am still going to leave this cropped version of my chart. 

There are three separate thoughts I want to communicate. All of them to do with Saturn. This blog will be heavy on my own experience because I always think it is the area that we all know best. I know my life and my chart because I live with them 24/7. That is a lot of information. I realise this might seem egotistical but I genuinely believe this is a good way to get information. It's also just the message that is there for me to express. I did not really think about it too much.

The three sections are the transits. Just one insight into the Saturn transits I had recently, this is literally just insights from online forum chatting. Then, my conscious Saturn in gate 5.4, a placement I could not gain any insight into for years, but now I have through my weight loss journey. Then, the unconscious Saturn in gate 26.4 and an insight via my grieving process. Including having insights into the difference between conscious and unconscious. 

The Ra Uru Hu statement on Saturn, the one literally on the website, that I don't agree with is as follows: He stated that Saturn was karma in a sense and that when he does something bad he gets a small punishment from Saturn. The reward is, when he doesn't do anything bad, he doesn't get it. 

Not at all my experience and it doesn't line up with my theory and understanding of Saturn.

I am going to state that Saturn is not in fact karma. What it might be and it's positive manifestation as well. 


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