Wow, weight loss is hard. Not too hard. There are things I can do for results (gym has traditionally dropped me by about 1kg and have not done cold plunges yet). But moments of restricting diet and moderating exercise and all that. It is a bit of an energy suck.
I had some thoughts on Saturn. What it really means etc. But, at the moment I am kind of in shock. The reason I am in shock is because of this tweet:
Trump has really got on with things since coming into office. A lot of the sacred cows of the left have... well, it's been a sacred cow genocide. DEI, immigration. It is all on the chopping block.
I was listening to Stefan Molyneux the other day, who said, when asked, that in the near future with the Trump presidency. A lot of people will start to have mental health problems because they honestly believed they were doing good. But, in fact, they were not doing any good at all. If you think of people that are pro welfare state and all that. But when Trump comes in and actually does good they will experience, realise, that they never intended to do good.
There is an element of Stefan Molyneux's output that I had a hard time accepting. Seeing people a little on the surface perhaps sometimes. I thought that that was somehow wrong. Because I felt, through dealing with people, that a lot of left wing people are good people.
I do still believe that. I was listening to someone the other day say how they had made a real sacrifice to help someone in the healthcare field they work in. A real sacrifice that shouldn't've been asked from them. Then in the next sentence say how Elon Musk shouldn't be interfering in British Politics by talking about Rotherham and such.
I am starting to suspect, that in such a person. There is a lot of goodness on the surface, but the moral destitution of their political beliefs is not as irrelevant to their psychology as I had thought. I do think now that the part of them that is locked away in formulaic political beliefs IS a part of them that is not moral. I think when things happen out in the political world, these things influence said people.
But below the conscious. When these things happen out in the political world these people start to experience more stress. But they can't identify why that is.
Political betrayal.
I live in a strongly left wing part of England. We had one of the highest Remain votes in the EU referendum. I don't know anyone who is not left wing.
I have not developed any new friendships after my old ones died. Not working. Not getting on with anyone when I did work. But, my friendships sometimes ended in "interventions" from people that wanted me to be more left wing than I was.
It has become clear to me all of a sudden that if I had been in America, as an American at the January 6th event. ALL these friends, and family, would have betrayed me. They really are quite fanatically left wing a lot of them.
It is a hard thing to not have friends. To have human connection with people outside family virtually non existent. I think that this and various life situations have lead me to not really be able to move on from said friends. But I realise now, that moving forward in my life. It would be better to know new people, or none at all. Because those "friends" are just not virtuous human beings. They have ALL had ample opportunity to apologise, or relate like non cult human beings.
Tough pill to swallow.
So yeah, that is a bit of a shock for me. That insight. It is a very happy thing for a lot of people I think that the left is finally getting some pushback.
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