This is the video I want to use as a jumping off point today:
This is the worst advice on self help. Jonathan Bi. Posted today 3rd of January.
Status issues.
Something I have pondered a little. Like I have mentioned disability has lead to some contemplations on this area.
This video talks about how we process status. Like, if we all always want status on some level. Or at least with some specific people. The philosopher here asks the question about this area and if it is appropriate or not, to not care what people think. He does this with a dose of instrospection assigning the question to himself and his own experiences.
So to answer this I will also have to introspect a bit because my psychological and philosophical knowledge here is slightly lacking. I don't have much to draw off.
One of the things he puts forward is that if you are putting something out and hoping to be respected. Who do you hope to be respected BY? Do you hope to be respected by your audience or your peers and people you look up to?
So I'm going to apply that to myself to attempt to answer this.
My life.
In my world, toiling in relative obscurity without really any clear goal. If I were to gain status. There is only one way in which that would be a desireable thing that I can think of. But herein already lies a question and one that is relevant to anyone that acknowledges some higher power in their lives. Is what I desire relevant? Or will I be 'guided' along a route to an outcome that is better?
Possibly read too much female inspired new age teachings when I was younger. It often feels women are more "liquid" in their life paths. They respond more to the outside world.
Putting that aside for a while. The idea that what I want may simply not be relevant. Despite all the material I put out daily. The only thing that I can actually imagine myself doing that would gain me status. Is music. The only thing that is relevant to this conversation because it might propel me to a position where I would associate with people that are fairly high status in my world. People like Stefan Molyneux, Chris Williamson.
Then all of this human design stuff and such would become a part of my personality that was related to what I talk about when people asked me. But, was not actually what I was known for or my actual profession. It is very workable. Having something to talk about. Making a musician personally accessible in that way.
So how would I relate to everyone in this situation? The main people that it would matter to would be the people that listened to the music and brought it. How would I then relate to the Chris Williamsons and Stefan Molyneux's of the world? Would it matter what they thought of me? Also, there is another class that is perhaps more relevant to this discussion. Which would be other musicians.
Well firstly, the only reason I would be relating to them is because I had the status from an audience for the music.
Valuing people.
Stefan Molyneux. I started talking about him but realised him being ostracised so lower in social status, he might not be such a good example. In real terms his social status is higher than almost anyone. In a way that matters to me. I do feel a sense of rage that globalists who I see as bugs compared to Stefan are allowed to censor him. I shouldn't be mean to bugs they have a lot of utility.
But anyway, back to social status. Maybe I'll go back to Stefan. How would I relate to someone like Chris Williamson? If I do things, create new music, is it important that he and people like that would see that as positive?
I suppose it would be fairly important. Having status means that I would have to have opponents. Other musicians perhaps.
To me, it seems the truth about status and wanting people to like you is that we want most people to like us. Because it benefits us on a primal level. If people like us they will make things easier for us and give us resources.
Status also means, that we would be able to, in some way, perhaps not even deliberate. Punish those that have crossed us. It doesn't matter which way you cut it. Status seems like a positive.
There is a fair amount of relevant information, such as the relating to the archetype of the Moon and what value can be gained in darkness (lack of status). But still, status, that comes from value and people liking you, is a tool. It is like fire for cooking a meal. It is the equivalent of money. It has a lot of uses and there is not a lot of benefit to not wanting to have a tool for it's potential benefits.
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