Monday 11 January 2016

White male privilege?

Well I recently read this article.

Basically it explains how feminists concocted this idea of 'white- male- privilege' which was completely, provably, statistically untrue; and in fact it is those feminists were contributing to (perhaps even creating) prejudice against this same group

This is how it concludes:

Identity politics doesn’t totally smother class considerations, however; it helps to facilitate a new, PC version of class hatred. The bile spat by feminists and others at certain white men — the uncouth, most derided ones — is really old-fashioned loathing for the lower orders dolled up as a radical stand against ‘male privilege’. When university students or media-based identity obsessives crow about drinking ‘white male tears’, they behave like modern-day Marie Antoinettes, laughing in the face of the less fortunate who will never experience the privileges enjoyed by these fashionable railers against privilege. ‘White male privilege’ is simply a myth
Now rich feminists hating on working class white men... I cannot imagine a more odious form of human being personally.

The further you go down this rabbit hole of all the various hatreds of modern 'liberalism'. The worse it gets.

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