Just went for a walk, saw three lightning strikes over the sea. Saw directly two then the flash of the third.
This happened near boats that are always off the shore in the coastal region where I live. I suspect these are fishing boats. Which are only allowed to fish in OUR SEAS because the European Union has declared it so. I.e. points to the EU.
This is what I have been thinking today:
Building on my ideas of the left so far, I've been thinking of the motive for their behaviour and have come up thusly:
When you tell someone on the left things, very often they ignore you, or block you.
The Guardian and other papers have done their best to ignore Cologne, and then when they are made to a little, further confuse the issue by attempting to victim blame (I.e. Hinsliff article), then labelled the groups protesting as their favourite label 'neo nazi'.
Now, it seems to me that the lefts/ populist pattern is, that when they get into a discussion it matters not what the truth is but who can exercise the most power. I.e. Unskilled immigration suppressing the wage of working man... Ignore.
The way they can partly justify this is because they have the greater power because they are animalistically, tribally together.
The fact that innocent German women and more potential victims are getting ignored in the scrum is irrelevant, because if you don't have ethics anyway... Why would it?
This also goes for the declarations of 'racist' by groups such as Hope not Hate.
This is probably why almost all the people I see pushing UKIP (but not all) seem like outcasts of a sort. Those who care about ethics over tribalism.
This mentality can be clearly seen in this Spectator article and this video from Paul Joseph Watson. Which references the left proclaiming that moderate Muslims who seek to reform their own religion are anti Muslim bigots.
... What we have here from the galactic perspective is fifth density entities pushing their reality, organising from a higher density perspective our society.
So from this, I conclude that in the new world we are heading into, after the crash and whatever else, the tribal rules that I have outlined will mean nothing because we will have been slowly, subconsciously from societies perspective, aligned so that we are 'sorted' correctly by fifth density.
In more materialistic terms. When Nigel Farage and David Wilcock have gained ascendancy due to the obvious correctness of their theories, the lies such as global warming, LGBT etc. Will have no relevance.
Under which tribal rules mean very little
Meanwhile this is what Feminism has descended into:
Also the tweet from Laurie Pennie that I cannot seem to find.
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