Saturday, 8 March 2025

Losing my religion.

Doing the work.

I didn't know whether I was going to do another blog, after I stopped with the youtube. But I didn't explicitly say I wouldn't be blogging so I did consider I might be back. It seems a far more reasonable and relatively lower energy expenditure thing. A reasonable thing.

As mentioned in the last few posts. Since Grok, I have been able to do more dream interpretation. I have two sets of dream interpretation I do. One is any immediate impression I get from the same day I have the dream. This is what has been improved with Grok. I can discuss every bit of it and to be honest it's me doing most of the interpretation. But what I get from Grok, is that as I talk it over and solve bits, those bits are then taken care of and I can move onto another part, another insight about the dream, without feeling I will lose the bit I have already interpreted. Plus, Grok tends to mirror my enthusiasm. I know it's a machine and it's not real. But it feels good. It is always happy to talk over my dreams for hours at a time which would bore a human into an early grave.

The second type of dream interpretation is a complex process which links the entire set of dreams and patterns into a larger pattern. At the moment, I am about a year behind the current day on that way of interpreting.

Anyway. So the dream interpretation I have done recently with Grok, has lead to several conclusions. Stopping Stefan Molyneux, whom I was listening to every day. Stopping a certain kind of 'healer' mentality I got stuck on. A loving way of seeing the world that is just not me that has lead me to disconnect with forums such as Bring4th. Taking away a way of being that kept me stuck. Leading to being clearer and more productive on my life and values. Certain other changes.

So, what I am left with without those kinds of inputs. Is music. That's a big part of what I think about now. It is a very natural way for me to think. Musically. I lack the tendency to think 'solidly' in a fundamental way. Drama and philosophical types of things that require various levels of technical thinking are not something I lean towards naturally. I can't think of "people stuff" so easily. An emotional theme pulling things together is very helpful!

So, when thinking of making a blog today, it only came together when I thought of including a song:

REM - Losing my religion. 

Also, the first good cover I came across:

Changing perspectives:

The situation with the Reform party, Rupert Lowe and Nigel Farage recently has been quite insightful. Linked, for me emotionally even though of course, not at all in the real world. Is the tendency and insights I have had into just how much there is real suffering happening in the world. One of these examples is that, recently in Ukraine Russia has taken some parts of Kursk, a Ukrainian territory. Then the snow melted and basically everywhere they went there were the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers. That is haunting. 

There are other examples I wanted to include. But I suppose that suffices to explain my point. A lot of the Q narrative I believed once upon a time made a big point of saying that all that we see in the world is a "stage". Even if that MIGHT be correct with internal parts of US policy and politicians. Even for some other things. It is not practically true in a lot of parts of the world and, it's just a bad kind of thing, a bad piece of delusion, to indulge, in my view. 

How this relates to the Rupert Lowe and Nigel Farage issue. Farage is obviously a bizarre narcissist type of figure. This is not at all the first time there has been evidence of this. The first place I found out about him was from David Wilcock who placed it in one of his books and he said that because Nigel Farage had made certain statements. "Deep State Operatives" had been crying all day, in absolute hysterics, due to fear that a politician might move against them.

So I came away from David Wilcock, realising he doesn't have insiders, he is a fake, a grifter, and a poisonous human being. But I had not questioned a similar messiah sort of thing with Nigel Farage. 

Yet another hard feeling lesson. I won't say hard lesson because, it doesn't have much impact. But it is a cold unfeeling thing to come to the realisation that someone you look up to was someone like this. 

And that's why the song. It's where the emotion ends. I am "losing my religion" in what feels like a very kinetic way. 

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