Monday, 3 March 2025

Getting rid of more good things.

Short entry. 

Following on from my last blog. Where I talked about stopping Stefan Molyneux. I have also decided to stop making youtube videos.

There is a lot to say on all this. How Stefan comes from thoughts I have on transiting Mars and what that means. And the youtube thing, and all the Law of One/ Human Design associated with it. Comes down to transiting Venus, value and status.

But I'm not going to talk about that right now. I am simply feeling the psychological change of this and adapting to it. When I go for a walk now, I do not fill myself with Stefans emotional wisdom. I do not attempt to redirect my energy towards making a youtube video. I do not try and capitalise on any human design insights I am having.

It is a good feeling with a deep sensation of lasting change!  

There is a fair bit that can be said about the history of why I got into blogging and such, and what value I thought I would get from youtube. But that is not for right now!

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