Tuesday 24 September 2024

We all have our temptations.


This will be a short blog. 

But, there have been times in my life where chocolate was causing severe problems. I have had to stay off all caffeine. Or I have had bouts of insomnia or other stomach issues that were very potentially to do with chocolate. 

At the moment, possibly because my health is OK, I don't have any of those problems but I have been eating chocolate daily. 

There is no TECHNICAL reason for me to not eat chocolate at the moment. I know where the deals are on chocolate. So money is not the issue. I am sleeping fine while eating it. But there is some small correlation to just not functioning so well in some way that is difficult to describe.

I don't have any passion for music. I loved it when I did it the day before yesterday, but the passion to practice is not there. I don't have passion to meditate. I have not been praying for about five days or longer and THAT one is really a bit of a mystery to me.

I mentioned before that chocolate seems to prevent what in human design terms is called a "rest cycle". Maybe that's it. Maybe the chocolate is just preventing me from crashing to the extent that I would then get an energy raise.

It's annoying though. It's a nice thing to eat. The side effects if there are any are so subtle as to almost not be noticed. I won't be having chocolate today though, and I'll see how it goes! 

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