Sunday 22 September 2024

Nothing moves.

Damn, it was hard to get myself to blog. There is not an identifiable reason I should be blogging. It's not really a responsibility. But nonetheless. There was a battle within me between the side that wants to blog and the side that resisted it. 

My life often seems to come back to explaining human design insights and stuff. Like, all else is an energy investment without return, like jobseeking. But I feel I am getting something from human design like thoughts.When I do blogs and youtube videos. When I express that kind of teaching, it does improve some part of me in a way that makes me more proactive.

Anyway, only loosely related to what I wanted to talk about. My thoughts follow watching this video:

The first two are not so relevant but the third point is what I thought was interesting. The difficulty of dealing with women that consider themselves higher status than you, and hence don't respond to messages and things. Or give the bare minimum.

It is not exclusively the problem though. I would say, for someone like me with an invisible disability, the general problem is status in general.


Thinking of ex friends and family and stuff. Divorced guys working 60 hours. Stoners and other crazies. I don't think anyone in the world is really doing a lot better. My problem is not due to personal decision. I did not smoke a ton of weed (I'm actually allergic to weed!). I do not engage in parasitical things that would earn me the title "narcissist". I did not give up my life for a messed up relationship. I'm not an atheist with no further ethics. It's not due to some other involuntary factors like bad parents. Or falling on the wrong side of the current economy.

Mine is due to the disability. If I did not have the disability I would probably take off. My IQ is tested as quite high at Mensa. My work ethic is high. I really love things like the gym and such that my disability prevents to a large extent. If the disability was removed then one of the effects is that a lot of the losers I have interacted with would be far more upset and jealous about that. (Assuming there was no additional problem in that space such as divorce!) 

So perhaps on some grand level that is relevant. That other people with say, bad families would feel it was unfair if I succeeded and the disability balances that. 

But damn it is annoying. The video's third point references women that when you contact them make no effort. There are also guys whom have equivalent mechanisms of disrespect that manifest in different ways. 

I imagine to myself, based on a Law of One quote that said that they would be moving on with the beings currently attempting to harvest on this planet. That we will all have our lives again in a similar world. 

Second Earth.

This is what I imagine some of our lives are geared towards. Not doing anything in this life but laying the ground. Setting the right emotions for another life. Where a friend of mine might have socially excluded me and have that come back on them in unpredictable karmic ways. They live with that for like a decade and when it comes around on another life on another earth that does not happen. Or it happens and there is a more quick and productive karmic response. 

But at the moment, the world is just so unbelievably stuck and locked down with reference to the negative. Which is largely kept in place by peoples general stubbornness and need to be right. There is going to be very little movement forward in any practical way. Until people that have hated on 'conspiracy theorists' are 'broken', so to speak, and then able to feel different emotions and explore different sensations. So it is just a waiting game. 

Q - drama

World War 3 as mentioned in a post a few back, is not happening, and that is good. Another thing that did happen though was the arrest of P.Diddy. Boasting an apparent 15 years of video tapes of celebrities and including such things as kidnapping. Serious stuff. 

The US election voting has begun and in about six weeks votes will be cast for the election itself. Things are HAPPENING. 

Also, what is the other option? Apart from the potential movement forward in a kind of tin foil hat direction. What other option is there for us to move forward?

The job market is absolutely terrible. The US market is so bad it is putting pressure on the Yen Carry Trade. I see evidence of that every day. Inflation has taken over. Political conflict with the worlds gas supplier/ Russia, has increased costs. Lockdown was terrible and DEI and such is keeping the world from growth.

People treating me as low status, because that's what I am, would not change much if I got the kind of jobs I would be likely to get. I might not even get them in a healthy economy because being unskilled after your 20's is not a good thing. 

But regardless. It seems to me with the economy like it is, the only opportunity for improvement any of us have is if there is this grand movement forward. The Q mythology. The mass arrests. It just doesn't seem likely, like, PRACTICALLY likely, that there is any other route forward. The economy is destroyed. The deep state is so in control at the moment they won't allow any progress or growth. If you say something political that starts to move TOWARDS sorting something out. So critical of immigration say. The government will literally LOCK YOU UP. 


I suppose in this hypothetical, if the tinfoil hat prophecy did come true. If we did go through an amazing shift (Which is not forecast by the human design in my opinion for before February 2025!) then I suppose the status differentials would immediately correct. Or perhaps swing in the other direction a little bit. Towards the conspiracy theorists who were previously low status. 

I mentioned women that don't really see men as worth anything from the video. It is these women that would go through unbelievable change if the world were to change in this way. In a world where a lot of the low status men they previously condescended to shot up in status. Wow, that sounds like a very uncomfortable reality!

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