Daily Mail: Some Reflections on the Orlando Horror
It is a fascinating piece, if it is also paired with this one that, regardless of its central argument, also includes references that some of the Cologne and Calais events were strongly influenced by illegal drugs
I then put up a comment sharing this sense of enthusiasm which was blocked for no clear reason. Peter is like the opposite of Wilcock, only bad comments get through. Will my comments ever be answered?
So to continue on with the EU and workers rights, that is probably going to be a less focused piece than the last one on this:
Firstly, in an economy, obviously, there will be better worker conditions when the economy is in a good place. Because there will be more jobs and less pressure to make profit (against the backdrop of DYING company profits due to things such as corporate buybacks!)
This (making the rounds on twitter) is not good for worker rights:
The EU by all accounts sounds like a pretty crap trading body... What problem do we have with Russia? We don't need to put up with all the sanctions and stuff.
There is a lot of corporate corruption within the EU. For instance, French farmers subsidies are causing a massive problem. Firstly, because there are huge warehouses where loads of food is put, good food that there is nothing wrong with. It is then destroyed so that the price of food raises so that the French farmers get better prices... I will take an educated guess they don't want Britain to leave the EU.
Another problem with this is that it is one of the many of the EU's deliberate trade policies that is destroying African and keeping it in the state that it is in...
Obviously if food is a lot cheaper from Africa all of a sudden (I.e. no tariffs and quotas) that will help Britain.
Also, if the EU is not making the laws that are unchallengeable because the EU is anti democratic, all the relevant laws will go through the UK parliament and every single one of them can be debated by the public and MP's... Politics would suddenly get a lot more interesting... Immediate empowerment of the population!
Every single one of the votes might mean the MP is voted out, that he will be accountable to the population depending on his/ her vote... and these will be bigger issues. Issues which can change things in the weeks after said vote in real terms.
Here are some articles on Ukraine:
I did want to track down the UN report talked about in the Hitchens piece but I have only had two hours sleep, have to go to work soon for a late shift that will end around 12. Then have to be on an early the next day so that is not going to happen!
The point is, assuming he's right and Hitchens is not someone who I would think would get his facts wrong; is that the UN had to pack up and go home when investigating human rights abuses because they were not allowed into the torture chambers.
This is the people, the Ukrainian government, that the EU supports!
This answers the question I put in one of my previous pieces 'Does the EU have any ethics at all?'
It also makes me wonder what exactly it is, what karmic law means that the people in the West won't potentially have to experience anything uncomfortable in this whole game? Syria used to be a developed and sophisticated culture, with secular government. The people in Syria were surely not that different to the people currently in the West at one time?
So to conclude on workers rights. After we leave the EU the Unions then have a voice. Unskilled mass immigrations stops and as the proportion of workers go down of those that are not here to contribute anything, just to work for money, the healthy net of 'love' will start to bind people together again. With migrants present who need money and will never do a single thing to decrease their working attractiveness... So will never join a Union... Which kills collective bargaining.
Well, they will be reduced and more UK workers will be in the workplace which means that the Unions can again fight for workers rights!
Stand against that... Tories!
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