Thursday, 16 June 2016

EU ref in -6 days...

6 days, 23 hours etc.!

Next week at this time we will have already been able to vote for almost an hour!

So, just extending my yesterday piece, I have been thinking a little about Karma. Or more correctly, life has lead me coincidentally to think about it.

After all this goes down my belief is that we will start developing psychic abilities. That is where my interest lies, in "super powers" as a friend used to say.

But that is how I think. Many people only are really interested in things they grip in the real world. Are more 'here'. One of these people at work recently only really finds interesting spiritually/ metaphysically is karma.

Some of the sixth density people I have met describe karma in a way that really convinces you it does exist and is absolutely true. Stefan Molyneux said in a fairly recent video when talking to a 'hispanic' that 'everybody gets paid'. Of course as these people gain more power and shape our society this reality will become very obvious.

I suppose Saturn is to some extent karma, whether it is the whole of karma is doubtful but one of the insights I've had on karma is that it is always connected to someone.

If I got annoyed about something and went up the road and shot someone (unjustified, perhaps when stealing money or something), the people connected to this person would be angry, their emotion would not leave them because the situation wouldn't be sorted out. This is karma because no matter how long people waited, the emotion would stay there and eventually, after a long time these people would be able, ideally, to take me to jail, or an equivalent revenge and/ or justice.

There is another kind of karma that some people seem to think is legitimate which is all the discomfort I might feel being afraid of being caught, assuming I had any conscience. Also, if anyone else was involved the breakdown of potential communication, potential blackmail and moving more into contacting other people that were like minded in committing crime. The problem that any happiness I might achieve would potentially be scuppered by my past coming to meet me.

However, this is not enough karma, it is I suppose karma before any real 'law' has been applied. Obviously when the former kind of karma can happen that is better and is the only one that can actually solve things, because a lot of people are selfish and will not respond to the latter kind of karma in a way that makes them change their behaviour.

What when people get annoyed when they are in fact the ones that have been bad? People often do, when they are behaving nastily they act as though the other person they are victimising is the bad one! In these cases, the (Uranian often) truth in my view can reveal facts that lay this persons argument to shame and they know this. Life returns to a sort of balance. In cases where these people get away with things for a while there is more of an anger towards them when the real facts come out... It might even be popular pressure that puts women in jail like those that falsely accused Tyler Cash (whom I talked about on this blog before)... Stefan Molyneux is the one who brought that forward and the one who has emphasis on karmic law in real terms! It is clear this sixth density conviction in karma is part of what actually creates a just karma!

So, that makes me happy. The EU referendum may be the start of proper Saturn and proper karma or it may not be. It may even be a strength to non Saturn for a while. But SOMETHING will put Saturn back the way it should be.

And basically what I am saying is that when law and order is properly applied, karma happens? And truth obviously.

Of course there have been many times in the LoO for instance that this has not appeared to be true. But the LoO people continued on with their lives so perhaps there is still time. There are people effected by their work as well. Perhaps it all links in!

EU remainers

Just had a conversation online with a young girl who is/ was remain, and her emotion it seemed was that she felt safer in the EU. Of course women are biologically designed to seek safety. Just an interesting tidbit.

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