Sunday, 14 July 2024

That which effects morality.

In youtube comment to someone a few things have come together. A few things I have known but talked over but didn't "come together" until just recently.

David Wilcock - unbelievable new age con artist who, in my view, has some legitimacy to some of what he has talked about in the past. He also seems to genuinely believe a lot of what he is saying and talks about alien abduction and such like that - His Personality Sun is in gate 22.2 - The capacity of the self to delude oneself and others. 

Friend of mine from back in the day. Went unbelievably weird when I went a bit too right wing for his liking. Sent messages to family and such. He literally became strangely "bigoted" in his promotion of "moderation". Sees himself as a centrist. His design Venus - 13.2 - Moderation as the most acceptable form of bigotry.

A family member of mine whom has always been someone that has seemed self destructive, to quite a degree actually, and nothing seems to "stick" to him. His personality Earth is in 4.5. The evasion of responsibility. 

Someone I have reconnected with recently. Partly on the good news that my health condition has improved. But that I am a little worried is doing some things that are self destructive. It's a maybe not a definitely I really need to connect more and ask more questions. But I get the feeling that if I overstep her defined 'mark' then she will disappear into the wind as she has done before: Design Mars in 54.5: The personality that can have fruitful relationships with the disadvantaged as long as they are in service and make no demands. She has other interesting lines in her chart that interact with her situation in interesting ways.

It's weird, a lot of these things would be considered "not self". But here they are in the chart. Another is 18.5. The personality with problems so intense that they can only be moderated, (not solved) through general socialising. 

It's all just weird. If you are in human design for a while you get all these strange coincidences that describe the perfection of everything just as it is. I also have lines in my human design that, like I might have talked about recently on youtube community notes, talk about things like being comfortable with the idea of holding a grudge or 'revenge' and others that suggest selfishness.

It's strange because the moral thing to do is often to try and alleviate these things at least as I see it. But, the obvious reality as it is shown is that these things, as dysfunctional as they might be, are absolutely perfect. To just live with the dysfunction.

Weird huh?

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