Thursday, 18 July 2024

Movements of power.

Meditation is such a subtly powerful and deeply surreal experience. Finally got back to it after a few days and am really feeling that, what feels like a slight 'shift' into a positive dimension.

I have had a really profound video I wanted to do for a while but am now in this twilight zone where I don't know exactly how to continue with my youtube channel. So it's not getting made. It comes down to session 17.17 in the Law of One and I was going to tie that to the QAnon 17 mythology. Tying it all together in a very exacting explanation of a spiritual reason for a lot of political events. 

The takeaway is this. Starting from the perspective of the QAnon ideas that there were a bunch of truly evil people in power but now these forces have been weakened to the extent that the positive forces are able to manipulate most of what is happening. The idea is that we are being forced to watch the natural result of a lot of amoral leanings in the population (i.e. voting left and such). For the QAnon/ Christian types the spiritual lesson is one that is summarised in that session. Which is about the crucifixion. For the normal people that are going out and doing such things as voting left, they are actually being shown the consequence of their actions. 

Emboldened fifth column individuals in England today are going around and rioting. In one English town the police fled. 

The transits.


Starting on a bit of a different strain in order to come back to the point. Recently we have had the transit of a hexagram I have talked about a bit, gate 61. In true form I have had spiritual experiences in relation to this. Especially, a powerful dream that felt more significant and possibly somehow "prophetic".


But that is gate 61. I have never known what gate 62, it's opposite has to do with anything. 'The Preponderence of the small'. But in this transit of a few days ago, it begun to make sense. This gate I think is about making manifest the types of things happening in gate 4. It is about bringing doubt to bear and actually making that manifest. So an example is when someone has been coasting a little while on the presumption of good intention then someone else questions that properly. In practice there is almost always a social element to this and the 61-62 do always seem to have that kind of energy to them. The 61 - 24 has a lot to do with some mystical way that grudges get sorted out I think. Not forgiveness, not not forgiveness but a kind of reframing and "Gods justice". 

The left.

This has literally just come together as I have been perusing twitter on another tab between paragraphs. Kind of synchronistic. It's in a way not a direction I would like to go but it seems relevant. 

I think events that happen on the globe sometimes are metaphorical for events happening in our daily lives. Like a kind of 'readout'. I see that at the moment with the Donald Trump almost assassination, which, if it had been successful would have put to sleep this change in power. The right is winning the culture war and looks like it is going to conquer. Libs of Tik Tok just got a liberal fired as liberals have loved doing to Conservatives and individual thinkers for years. It is getting to the point after a long period of time where people are getting actual consequences for those beliefs and behaviours. 

England votes left and suddenly has the third world on its streets. Those people could have voted reform, they voted left. I know some unbelievably left personalities in London that have given me grief. In my personal life as well, I recently was having a conversation with someone and I challenged this persons "lack of" an ethical framework. I also highlighted the behaviour of one of those London liberals. 

The personal challenge was important to me. For years, the left have been above reproach. The majority. The mainstream. But now that is starting to crumble. People satisfied in that position finally getting some challenge is very satisfying.

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