Saturday, 28 May 2016

Where we are... Closing in on the future.

So a lot of what I say has a mind towards a kind of predicting of the future.

Precognition has always been a steady interest of mine because I always have been naturally inclined to it. It is something that has infiltrated my dreams when I was younger, kind of does now I suppose. Repeatedly. Healing has never been a natural fit for me. (Something I tried briefly when I was younger). Even seeing auras pushes out to the future.

Also, obviously, there has been the interest in astrology!

But now the tools I use are a lot more materialistic. Preparing for the future via prepping and being disconnected somewhat from some of my more psychic facilities (although certainly not completely). Also, having a mind towards this global war we are experiencing has tended towards this change:

What I am doing is based also on some things I can explain but also feel strongly intuitively. A wisdom from another life. Or just a part of me!

Regardless. I have been figuring out karma in an effort to understand. If this is energetically what is going to happen what is physically going to happen!? What will we observe happening and will effect our lives?

We know from Benjamin Fulford that even though the cabal have exhausted their precious metal supplies in advancing their criminal agendas, we know that China is attempting to sell them gold for worthless fiat currency because they hope to transition to a financial system where all currencies are based on gold.

We also know that everything at the moment in the stock market is faked. Aside from some very important fundamentals. The coming crash, if indeed there is one is the free market asserting itself violently. A transition away from protectionist measures in the EU is an organic version of this.

Metaphorically what we are experiencing then is a transition away from what is false, what pretends to be value, to what is real value. If there is a gold standard there is no more printing money out of nothing. People will only get paid for things that are real value...

That is an AMAZING idea! All the SJW politically correct nonsense simply not being valued all of a sudden!

Also, another thing I really keep coming back to with the future is people developing psychic abilities! Imagine if you went into work and people were suddenly developing these (one person telepathic, one person precognitive, one person can fly etc.)

That is a bit cartoonish but I imagine any real abilities will be more subtle. But imagine. Women who have always been physically less strong than men developing things like psychokinesis? People who are sceptics developing telepathy... Will be great!

But law and order will suddenly become an issue possibly!

I'd be more precog!

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