Wednesday, 21 August 2024

The spiritual nature of work.


For some reason even talking about 'work', I suddenly feel deflated. As though I suddenly had to work and to be fair, I have just stopped with a very "work" style problem. Where a lot of inconvenience has started, that doesn't feel really fair, and that I don't feel is due to my doing, but requires me to do a bunch of stuff anyway. 


But nevertheless, the way the world works is that with its many confusing areas. It is very easy for something that is actually very negative to be represented as a positive. One example of this I think, is what a lot of millennial children were subjected to. They grew up with a 'follow your dream' mentality, then the crash happened and it was like 'Oh, sorry chap, the place where you go to follow your dream is not in operation anymore, the lights have been switched out due to financial troubles'. 

While it's not clear if everyone 'following their dreams'. Which was the cliche put forward in the absence of boomer guidance. Is possible in good economic times. In practice, in bad economic times, we can say quite definitively that "following ones dreams" to be a musician or movie star or something, will probably land you with a heap of debt and a minimum wage customer service job. 

But anyway. What working life has now become is in a lot of cases bare naked exploitation. The high performers being exploited to substitute the lazy people. Absolutely incompetent managers, that know nothing of management because business isn't A) paying for said managers, B) training managers or C) giving managers enough leeway to actually make decisions and give concessions. 

But this, and working lifes many other problems, are not what work is 'meant to be'. They are, in a lot of cases the result of subtle globalist processes that change the economy. One example is small business taxes that keep new comers out of the market. These are deliberately pushed by corporations so they don't have competition. Another is, through some mechanism, very often immigration. Changing the employer- employee ratio to be very preferable to the employer. There are various other extremely destructive things that effect business.

Then you have a lot of things that are in competition with business, being in competition with business and being represented as better but this, because they are subsidized by taxation. Money is taken from the productive economy to the unproductive economy, where utter ineptness is promoted.  

'To live, to move and to work'.

But at it's heart, as a thing which starts from a spiritual principle, coming from the Law of One then that did have some quotes on this. Offhand remarks mostly. The general statement of 'work' is acknowledged to apply to the definition of work as we would see it. But it is also when people have done spiritual things. They have had the insights and such, and the positive forces. The 'Creator' or the spirits, reply and give something back in relation to that. Like, a new direction and meaning and such.

That is probably a very butchered understanding of the text, but it makes a little sense I think. 

I do a lot of things in my life that are not quite in the category of 'leisure' but don't, in any normally understood sense of the word, qualify as 'work'. For instance, pages and pages of dream interpretation. Years, and a many layered process of transcription, editing and interpretation to arrive at points I believe come at me from the higher positive forces and my higher self. 

Music. I love music. I really, really love music. But it's not fully "leisure" to play it. It involves digging up books about techniques. It involves really quite a lot of hard focus to create songs which, now that I am well enough to do so, has surprised me as to its effort. It feels wholly more productive to spend half an hour freestyle than to spend half an hour working on one of my songs. After which I will be lucky if I get one entire paragraph from and some accompanying riffs and such. But the latter is timeless in a way that the former might not be. It feels very much like a concrete achievement.

Money, money, money.

I suppose music is acknowledged as 'work'. But in general, there is another type of work which is the work that we do to get money. 

As I have said before in this article. I believe that work itself is a virtue; and that the invisible rules of life form around that truth. If I work and bring in money, it will effect those around me positively. It is also one of the only things that properly changes a guys status. If I work and get a lot of money this will effect people in my life that just were not willing to give me any respect. Just assumed, consciously or otherwise, that they were entitled to treat me badly. If I were to work and get money I know it will be one of the only things to palpably effect them (not that I will spend any time with them and re- meet them, but just something relevant).

This is one of the reasons that people who are disabled perceive a kind of unconscious disrespect coming from them from normal people in my belief. 

It is also one of the only ways to palpably change my life in relation to meeting people. The thing that will influence my life positively is most likely meeting others, as it always is. I might meet male friend and share some conversation, and/ or female friends/ potential intimate partners. As we've entered this amazing crash of society a lot of the social groups that meet outside work have disintegrated. If I were to go to one of those as well I would meet, probably nicer people on balance, but often people it feels like from the 'social reject' table in school. When I have gone to work I have been surrounded by mostly 20 year old girls a lot of the time. (Not that 20 year old girls are that interesting, but status wise, that is a very powerful social group!)

Work in some fundamental manner I believe, relates to the concept of 'power'. This is a spiritual and energetic concept.

Gender and reality.

The male need to 'work' is... It is painful. Even though there are male communists about and such, I would say the male need to work is as important and all consuming as the need for sex. I wonder, partly, if this message in itself relates to some part of my path, having astrological connections to one Stefan Molyneux, who talks a lot about the virtue of work and masculinity in relation to that. This links to concepts already discussed, but I don't know if I can go there.

The unbelievable toxicity of the left is, what I believe, is keeping society stuck based on a very fundamental and natural, organic expression of what would be an automatic positive social change if not interfered with. 

Namely, men work harder. They are driven to work harder, and once they have worked unbelievably hard and justifiably earned from that, they should ideally earn respect, status and money. This is the force that drives society forward to a more positive place. Because men have a lot of testosterone. Testosterone drives people to succeed and it also drives a state of constant improvement and men, are very technical thinkers. 

The problem for globalists comes when men are enjoying things. Are in a state of constant improvement, which is related to actually receiving benefit from the work they are doing. They then start working on what the problem is in their minds in a very deep way. Perhaps by publicising the problem, or forming political parties. Moving against where the globalists have acted in nepotism and theft. What globalists are doing in their various parasitical projects, is noticed, and the male mind and spirit starts moving to counteract it. 

Entitled women, taxation, DEI and MeToo throws off that eventual result. But most of these tactics are so incredibly effective that they not only prevent men from moving against parasitical dysfunction. But, actually, destroy and dissolve the entire society and that's what we are witnessing. A system either grows or it dies. There is no halfway. A lot of those in power want this halfway, and they do at least have the amount of power to make a good go of it. But they have mistaken their economic and political power for godly power, and god/ reality can't be mocked. Everytime they prevent movement forward they disintegrate a little further, and this is where we get things like Japans currency crisis. The middle ground cannot be held indefinitely.


Let me be clear though, just mentioning one potential misunderstanding. Work is a virtue, but it is not a virtue that conquers all other virtues. As an example. One of the philosophies that 'boomers' in general seem to have is 'I go to work and come home, therefore I am as virtuous and innocent, and immune from accountability as anyone can possibly be'.

The boomer 'sin' is neglect of the world in general. It is watching disturbed people that would not be out of place in a hellraiser film, that want to convince young children to cut their genitals off, take positions of powers in schools and boomers doing NOTHING against it when... Whose responsibility is it to fix that kind of thing if not the boomers and when, if not when the problem actually started? 

The boomer sin is passivity and the refusal to stand against evil. To even define evil as evil because that requires active engagement. It is the sin that will cost an unbelievable amount as we as a society are made to realise that evil does in fact exist, probably through societal collapse.

Anyway though. This blog, in a way I think, is one of my forms of 'work'. It is the work I have constructed for myself since disability has lead to a lot of reading and not working in the traditional 9-5 sense of the term.

This specific article is less directed than I expected. So it will have to finish here without a really firm conclusion as to what the point of it is.

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