Friday 1 July 2016

On to 'political strategy'.

As I spoke of in my last blog, where we are at the moment is the end of a moon cycle. The new one will be on Monday and in days following we should see some real movements and action.

Right now:

Mars and Uranus inconjunct can't be helping matters either, for either side.

While I was on my blog the other day I had kept twitter open and it was the news about Jeremy Corbyn, and an anti semitic follower... but it's obvious now that was just white noise. As was the news from the Tory leadership campaign.

There were three possible establishment candidates. Hillary Theresa May, who is the utter 'remain' establishment. Boris Johnson and Michael Gove. Boris Johnson started out as the favourite and then was replaced by Michael Gove following a 'leaked' email where Gove's wife was pushing for Gove to not give his allegiance to Boris without being given assurances on immigration...

Now these people are both 'Vote Leave', so what I think happened was that Vote Leave are watching carefully from behind the scenes to make sure things go their way. They are the other establishment, because the aim of the game has always been to fix both sides.

They are trying to see what they can get away with not giving. Gove announced article 50 would not be triggered 'this year'... Can they get away with that? Boris Johnson wanted immigration in favour of 'business interests' and was broadly pro immigration, Vote Leave obviously watched peoples responses to these statements and figured that is one step they cannot get away with.

These two articles explain quite well what is going on... One is on Corbyn's leadership problems with the Blairites... And they are most definitely Blairites. The second is about the scheming of the entire establishment in opposition to Brexit:

The Canary: Blairite PR firm tied to Labour coup knew of “mass resignation pact” six months ago

The Slog: FACT: If the UK doesn’t have a signed deal by April 2017, Brexit is in grave danger

Conservative Home: Andrew Green: The people have spoken – and they want lower immigration. Now Westminster must duly deliver it.

This all sounds pretty dire but there is hope... Chilcot enquiry will with any luck see off some of these Blairites. Tony Blair wants to become a part of the Brexit negotiations. Possibly as a negotiator it would give him diplomatic immunity.

A candidate for the Tory leadership and hence, prime minister of England, growing in popularity in a similar way to how Trump was (without the controversy yet) is Andrea Leadsom...

Aside from possibly some views on immigration. The potential leaders of the three main British parties, Andrea Leadsom, Tories; Jeremy Corbyn, Labour and Nigel Farage, UKIP; are all on the same page in regards to sovereignty and the opposition to globalist agendas. If any of these is not in then there will be more fight obviously. The one with the establishment pawn at the top is the one that needs to be opposed.

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