Saturday 17 August 2024

Do people change?

Todays video that I'm going to comment on: Dr Ramani, SCIENTIFIC REPORT: Data that Narcissists REALLY don't change:

So, my question:

My question here is... Do people ever really change? Does anyone ever change or are the patterns of our lives just too well worn and compulsive for all sorts of unseen reasons that we are just... What we are and there's not choice about that?

It reminds me of a borderline girl that I knew that killed herself who acted pretty mad while I knew her. It gives me some small insight into her choice when I consider that that bizarre thought process she had and that manifested in her life previously to me knowing her, was something she would have been stuck with every single remaining day of her life had she have lived. 

It also makes me think of myself. I have bizarre sexual fantasies. These are not going to change I know that. I also have a disability that has improved recently with technology. So my literal physiology is changing. But will my personality change along with that? I am already far more calm and such. Far more able to concentrate. But will that make me seem like a different person or just the same person who is calmer with more ability to concentrate?

It's an uncomfortable feel but I suppose it makes sense in a lot of ways. Like everyone, when people have been acting in a strange way I have expected them to see the illogicality of it and snap out of it. 

I suppose the only thing that can then change is... the sociology of it all. If divorce laws were suddenly changed so that women didn't get such an easy ride then some behaviour would change a little no doubt. A lot of economic incentives are perhaps set up so things don't change as an example. If things changed so more small business was allowed to flourish, then the people right now that are willing to make a small business, if the economic conditions are favourable, would go through a bit of a status change. Which in turn would change some peoples model of the world, and the behaviours of some people surrounding them. 

It brings me back to an earlier blog where I showed the human design chart in relation to some people and how some really unpleasant characteristics in others were just sitting right there. Not anything that could be defined as "not self". Like, the actual hexagams in the persons chart. 

That's all! A short blog today.

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