Saturday 16 April 2016

Big news!

I've been watching a bit of Star Trek Deep Space Nine (brought the whole 7 seasons!) I am struck by loads of little thoughts about it, since my life has taken a turn which leads to this being what I am thinking about.

For instance, there are three phases of the show, the first few seasons has strong spiritual and political intrigue about it, this is when there is a lot of mystery to the show because things can go in any direction.

The middle of the show is setting up the characters and showing those characters as effective and powerful. This is my favourite so far (although none could be taken out.)

The last part of the show has a more regimented and military feel, because that's the perspective the show took on.

I have wondered a little at one of the characters, how she seems to appear in episodes where the storyline is a bit out of wack, and the deeper energies. Now I have watched it more I see that when she is put in the situation of pointing out the situation is ridiculous, it becomes less ridiculous and more enjoyable.

Some of these episodes talk about violence within societies, about evidence, about very complex social issues. It is very well made. The female characters are slightly male in some ways, but that is to be expected with our modern culture put onto those characters.

In one of the episodes in the later series, the main character is trying to deal with a problem involving shapeshifters, beings that can change their shape to be anyone or almost anything. During this otherwise fairly slow episode with a lot of talking and the most boring kind of politics, a threatening shapeshifter turns up and talks to the main character. This is fascinating, because after a lot of talk that is not that interesting, with characters that are realistic but not that complex. This shapeshifter entity turns up and the threat level is off the scale. He is just sinister, he identifies himself as the real threat and just chats. The conversation only lasts probably just over a minutes but it is very effective.

All these things could be reflected in our coming future. Entities of various different polarities, some of which have psychic abilities and who knows what else, all interacting on our little planet here with yet more information coming out about extra terrestrials, secret earth history and groups, earth born humans taken to other planets and a lot more, this on top of our normal domestic political changes should make for an interesting ride.

Which brings me onto my next thing, how to get there? Will there be riots? Will there be politics? Will there be big political arguments, upheavals and new groups coming together out of nowhere? It is all fascinating. However, at the moment, there are a few interesting events that may have an impact and may not:

A) Market crash is looking mighty cool from this chart (from ZH of course, as most of what I say can be found there even if I didn't see it there):

This one is pretty unambiguous!

B) related but not the same, DOHA!:

DOHA is the big thing in the oil trading business. The price of oil is up relatively high for modern times. An unnamed official stated that there probably would be a deal among the oil producing nations meeting through DOHA, that the nations would cut production.

This means that those oil trading speculators did not want to get caught holding shorts, a 'short squeeze' happens which means the market goes up and anyone getting caught holding shorts either has to close their position and lose money.

But then, a Saudi prince stated there would be no deal. Last I heard I think it was that Iran pulled out. There will be no deal and some analysts think there will now be a sell off. The thing is is that when the oil price is going up, the stock price can directly correlate with it, if it goes down, it could be catastrophic for certain financial players across the world.

C) And the big one: The Saudi's have gone to war with America:

The New York Times reported that the Saudi's have stated that if the Americans pass certain laws allowing foreign nations to be charged if they were in any way involved with terrorist attacks on US soil (i.e. the September 11th 2001 world trade center terrorist attack). The Saudi's will fire sell their US treasury holdings.

I can't explain how devastating that would be, but then, I really don't know too much about finance anyway"

There are other pieces of news that are interesting and prominent. For instance, the elite building more bomb shelters and Deutsche bank has admitted to massive silver and gold rigging, is prepared to name its fellow manipulators, and is now facing a huge amount of law suits.

The last I heard of Da'esh is that Russia and Iran Syria were about to move into Raqqa, which is one of the most important cities for Da'esh. Perhaps the important city.

So yes, stuff is going on, yes it will effect us in real terms eventually.

No the best thing to do is not ignore it! (But I don't blame you for trying ;) )

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