Sunday 22 February 2015

Guardian comment.

After a post of mine was deleted on a guardian thread. That was a response to something that someone else had said I wrote another post on that page, highlighting all the deleted responses saying; Busy day for moderators.
And it was just deleted. Not even a reason. They couldn't say that was against community guidelines.
It's a strange feeling of not really existing. Not really having an impact on the world.
It reminds me of when I was younger I had two dreams. In one of them I was walking around, aware it was a dream, and there was a Nazi train and because I was aware it was a dream I just ignored the people getting rounded up into the train.
Then the second one was when I had gotten annoyed at myself and I was having a fight with the Gua ould with a friend. A good friend :). I got shot and I died, and I walked around the dream not being able to effect anything.
And that's how I feel. Like I'm not able to effect anything. There are a hundred minor little bullyings that are happening, not thankfully with family or anything like that, but usually online. And the big wide world with all it's problems. There doesn't seem to be any tools I can use there while remaining positively polarised.
So I just can't really effect anything.

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