Friday 13 September 2024

The 51st Journey.

I have been having a few interesting experiences lately.

The gate 51 is an interesting one in the human design. It is the sun point of the actor for the Breaking Bad character 'Hank Shraeder'. Who had experiences in the series that I think are typical of this gate.

I would like to do a video with a few points on Breaking Bad characters but have not gotten around to it.

The character experiences quite a few moments, it is a repeated theme. Where, shock itself comes along quite a bit, but the shock, leads in the 'detective' like direction of realising people around him are not whom he thinks they are. Realising people that he has had long drinking sessions with were hiding unbelievable secrets, essentially big enough to be different people. 

I think this is a big part of what the 51 is. Having the sudden realisation that people are not what you thought they were. I have it in two places in my human design. One is the design Venus. This means that no matter what these experiences will be in my life quite a lot and, as I have said before, I can't shortcut that process. It is illogical to go into a situation thinking that, knowing that, you will at a future point receive a shock about someone. To just assume people are lying about themselves in some important way. 

Then, once I have had these experiences, and have gained this wisdom. Obviously I will be able to articulate a reality that others are not ready to face. Meaning that as the shock is given to me it is also given to others. 

It's all very tiring. But, I think it is important to try and love the process as much as possible. Since, we don't have a choice about said process. Only if we are going to enjoy or hate being taken on said journey!

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