Sunday 8 March 2015

The conspiracy.

I have two very important rituals. One is that I have Sunday off. And you know that THAT is one that employers will very often try to take from me. It's only happened once, but I know that if I was able to give up my Sunday and 'fit in' I would get a job easier.
The second is that I go for a walk in the morning.
I received a dream this morning and woke up with the idea that I shouldn't keep Sunday free anymore. Then a friend phoned in the morning and wanted to meet up. I got the feeling that it was a 'my way or the highway' sort of offer, but I couldn't go out without first having my walk.
In the dream, both my mother and my friend were in it. And these are the two that tried most to take away my protection rituals and this makes me think.
I have had dreams with Carla when I first messaged her about being Don Elkins, it said, 'don't move too quickly', which is something I did try to follow.
I have also had other dreams and coincidental experiences around these things. What I believe is happening, is that I am punching through the veil, and just through the veil, there are loads of coincidences and other occurences that hint towards these truths.
If someone feels an emotion and wants to stop you doing something, in the etheric they will actually go about trying to stop you doing it. It reminds me of one of the 'hells' that I have experienced where I was trying to live with my mother and she would come home and insist I go out for a walk with her and the dog. There was the 'loving' illusion to this but this isn't love. It would completely stop me doing music. I had to try so hard to do music during this time.
This shouldn't blind us to the fact that sometimes people really do offer love. Real love.
Anyway, the point is that you can get dreams which are other people expressing their agendas. You can also get positive things surrounding this. I remember going on a website and I felt, in some sort of dream language that went through reality and waking state that the girl went through her facebook and straight into my dream. Everything to do with this girl is positive.
So what? I have learnt something. And I have learnt information that can stop me being enslaved to people's opinions and desires in the name of 'love'. (For what other 'high minded principle' could be so effective in creating slavery at the higher levels.)
On Carla which I mentioned up there. When I wrote to Austin about past lives this is what the q'uo readings came through and said. Exactly the same thing. I don't know how to explain exactly how creepy this is. And when I mentioned some things whereby they were trying to shut me up on, a women came in and channelled for me (without my wish i.e. against my free will) in exactly the same manner as the language in q'uo, telling me some stuff that I don't feel was useful. Or even if it was it came from someone who evangelically disagreed with my views and whom made no effort to apologise for trying to stamp on my being.
Anyway, I followed this advice that I had been given by dream readings for years. When it probably wasn't the best thing for me to do. It was probably just a selfish woman's desire to not look at the whole 'Don Elkins past life' issue, regardless of how it effects others and their psyche (and the incredibly convenient fact that others whom have come out with past life ideas like David Wilcock are 'evil'.)
Tools for finding our way through these sorts of things are good. I would have preferred love, but since the girl that I was extremely magnetically attracted to turned against me, I will have to do with 'tools'.
(Actually these are just my thoughts, but I do feel they are true. When my friend contacted me I felt it was all a bit off but this is where the coincidences lead. Remember, someone can have almost no problem with you whatsoever, but the part where they do have, if you then can pick it up. Can disguise itself as 'guidance'.

In this case especially, as in all cases basically. The story I 'sense' is more accurate, more completely describes the evidence, than the story that is presented.

In fact I'm not sure about the story and the real story. To keep sane it's not a big deal. My plan is to become basically powerful by getting a job etc.)

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