Sunday 15 March 2015


2 interesting things I heard recently:
One that China has created a 'One World Currency' and are advertising it on billboards near Shanghai airport. This is the 'renmimbi' in gold.
Two that we are in about the 80th week of a bull market. The only time this has happened before was before the dot- com bust and the 1929 recession.
The meaning of these two should be clear. I suspect the bull market could come under scrutiny when Jupiter goes direct. People are 'contracted' in fear at the moment, doing the same things. But when there is suddenly the energy of 'expanse', of 'what's good for me and my interests?' (Jupiter in Leo). Suddenly people may question this, as their spirits start to swell and sense starts to flood in.
The world in chaos is a good thing. The incredible stagnation of stuckly held views cannot continue. People are growing comfortable in their discrimination of others. Comfortable that if they do things that are unjust there will simply be no recriminations. Justice is not held up on any level anymore. In fact injustice is encouraged.
I am talking of the fact that I can't move out and I get very patronising views from agents when I phone since I would be on jobseekers. 'You do have to be employed.' I do need to move out. I cannot function. Every time I prioritise someone else's needs no matter how minor my energy system blocks and gets repressed. I feel like I am living in a world without oxygen. I can't do what needs to be done.
So, things need shaking up! These people are the type that will say 'oh that is horrible that the system is like it is' but will do nothing to help. I have tried to get people to fight but there are no takers. I tried starting a meet up on a spiritual group with the title 'exopolitics'. To involve spirituality and conspiracy theory. I have tried finding out what is going on about activism in my area, and been met with the most stupid brainwashed views. Ones that are strongly held and patently untrue and do more to keep injustice in place than to move anything. No matter how 'loving' the person speaking these views seems to be.
So, China to the rescue? Let's focus on that first one. Chinese currency. I can't imagine how this would change the world system. But hopefully it would slowly disempower those at the top while empowering those at the bottom. Banking services will not be paid for by China (I'm guessing), they have their own systems. I can't imagine what Britain produces that China would buy from them but I do know if they do produce anything it would go to the companies and possibly their employers and workers rather than government. Imagine useless jobs like banking and various other rich people irrelevancies slowly getting tweeked down. Oh you can't afford that Ferrari anymore, what a darn shame!
Too many movies I watch recently don't really end. I just watched another bad movie. It didn't really end. Like Cosmopolis. Perhaps subconsciously we feel that life isn't really ending, or at least there doesn't seem to be a 'happy ending' that you can emotionally feel and put in a film. Since you're collectively held opinion/ feeling of 'happy' is supressed.
I don't know what to do next. I'm really going to be pushing to go into an administrative role and tomorrow I'll have to see if I have the 'chutzpah' to get out of bed when I feel awful. I have very little ability to discipline myself because energy sparks forward from deep inside me and can't be supressed, so if that is in the way of my willpower then I am in trouble.
But tomorrow I have to get up EARLY and get on with things. I have to bite through the pain.

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